^ would you rather have quality or would you rather have a whole ton of POVs? I for one am not picky when it comes to POVs and for offrides, I'm happy with anything thats not through Digital camera (no offense dirk.) Of course it is nice to see quality stuff, but that takes some learning, and the right equipment which not everybody has.
nah what I really mean is that they all have some kinda easily fixed problem like zoom or the direction the cameras pointed. I'm not saying I think they should be perfectly filmed because from a free video thats expecting too much.
As far as zoom goes. You don't zoom in, its the camera's lense angle. You don't notice it that much for normal stuff but when you want a POV experience like a coaster, it helps alot. I don't have one, why? Theres $200 dollars between it an me.
Holding the camera properly is learned. You should see my first POV's compared to now. HAH! You'd think a 10 year old was taking them.