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Random Coaster Feature?

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Post December 13th, 2003, 1:23 pm

Posts: 273
Points on hand: 4,300.00 Points

I was buzzing through the track exchange and i found it quite confusing, because sometimes it is hard to find a track you like when you are not looking for anything specific.
I think a "random-coaster" feature for each of the simulations would bring more downloads and maybe bring back some of the older designs.
I don't know if thats even possible or reasonable at this time but i thought i'd point that out.

Post December 13th, 2003, 6:22 pm
Oscar User avatar
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it's possible, we've had it before, we also did it with members names at a time, we got tired of it and removed it. some other cheap website took the idea soon after as far as I know. It looks tacky in my opinion, Our header used to revolve as well, randomize and I changed that. I don't like the idea of having a randomizer. It's really easy to do but I really don't see a reason why to do it. If people see a low rating on it, it isn't going to motivate them to download it anyway.

Post December 18th, 2003, 2:10 am

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Location: Heenvliet, Netherlands

BTW if and when I download I usually get one of the latest.

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