Originally posted by Real
he makes things up that it doesn't even say. Sadly, many people do this. Its one thing just to say "nah, I don't believe in that" but completely another to say it says something other than it does.
Not to be a total douche but you get no sympathy from me on misquoting. All of the church groups at the college I'm forced to deal with do the exact same thing daily and they're magically exempt from any wrong-doing because it's a church group. The thing that really baffles me is how they can get away with naming a church group "Campus Crusade for Christ" when it clearly references a genocide and is on par with calling a club the "Jihad Muslim Jamboree" or something like that. It's really hypocritical and irritating.
I mean really there are movies and "retreats" (some, not all), and while we're at it why is Kentucky giving the Ark museum 50 million dollars when it can't even pay its own workers? The same people that run these things get up in arms and acts like this massive oppressive force is after them when someone misquotes the Bible. All these movies do is help everyone build an even larger box around themselves and isolate themselves from the outside world. I don't see how this is remotely fair or comparable.
Because of these church groups I live with someone currently who actually thinks "Saturday Night Fever" (the disco movie with John Travolta) was created by "the gays" so that they could begin recruiting converts, and they needed to popularize disco music to do this. That makes as little of sense to me as it did when he explained this to me. These thoughts came directly to him from a church, and nowhere else.
I know I'm being an asshole right now and the idiot I live with is a bit of an unfair extreme example so i won't expect anyone to really address his stupidity and I know he is on the high end of what I'll call "stupid", but I don't really see how any of this is remotely even on the same playing field and I don't think you have anything to complain about whatsoever. The Bible is misquoted because it's vague and quite frankly it's really easy to do.
Also I am still waiting to meet someone that doesn't believe in evolution that can adequately explain it, and I'm really close to applying the same principle to climate change. It all comes from stubborn ignorance and a refusal to get out of the box someone has built around themselves.