Welcome to this thread!
Here you have the chance to find out what people think of you around WWS.com, but we dont want any full scale bashing, or rioting or totally insulting members! Basically you just have to post a score for the person above you. You have to give a score on:
> popularity - out of ten
> Knowledge of the industry (im hoping to get good here ) - out of ten
> Friendliness - out of 10
You then have to give them an overall score out of 30, by adding up your scores for each category. Then you also have to give a comment. For example this could be a post:
Popularity - 10/10
Knowledge of the industry - 1/10
Friendliness - 8/10
Overall reputation - 19/30
comment - You are very friendly and popular and post around the forum alot, but i gave you a 1/10 for knowledge due to your mindless posts about nothing [:p]
Enjoy the thread!