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Robb Alvey's Coaster Videos 2003

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Post January 24th, 2003, 1:07 am

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Robb Alvey's Coaster Videos 2002

Well, once again the master at park footage, yes, you know whoo, Robb Alvey, has graced us with yet another totally awesome vid! Packing so many park into one year he had to release 2, count 'em, 2 sets of videos this year. One for the parks here in America, and one for the European Odysee. But here we are talking about the video with the parks in the good ol' US of A!
Well, the first thing I noticed, and maybe you will too, is the greeting card with Robb and Elissa riding the Steeplechase at Blackpool, but thats beside the point.

Robb Alvey's Coaster Season 2002....or, the most insane coaster year EVER!

This is the video you get if you want, no, NEED more of the stuff you see at Robb's site, , and you just couldnt wait for him to Update with a new video. The video has been described as a compolation of music videos...rollercoaster style! With masterful editing to match the music Its amazing how much he fits within the time he does.
The music is awesome with an artist collection featuring DJ Sammy, Blink 182, Avril Lavigne, Sum 41, and many more!
Also, this is the video that GP will have a hard time understanding because there is enough Vekoma and Arrow bashing to resink the Titanic! Lots of Robbs favorite shots of people at parks(I cant decide if thats of people being weird or Elissa drinking a soda, lol) and just all around having a good time.
The videos have an AMAZING array of parks this year too featuring Hershey Park, Lakemont, Del Grosso, Knott's( or Knazi, which ever you prefer), Cedar point, Knoebel's, Island of Adventure, and basically all the Six Flags in the US. You also get introduced, or re-introduced, to some of the greatest coaster event like Stark Raven Mad, Phoenix Phall Phunfest, Holloween Horro Nights at Islands of Adventure, Knott's Winter Solace, Coaster Con, and a couple others I cant remember right now. And that just shows you how much there is!
Over all the season video is a great video and a must buy for any coaster enthusiast looking for a laugh.

Robb Alvey's Coaster Footage 2002

Okay, now this is the video almost ALL people, GP or Enthusiast, will drool over...the coaster Footage. Providing over an hours of on-ride, off-ride, and POV footage this is the video to buy if you cant travel very often. Featuring coasters spanning the US such as Xcellerator, Viper @ SFMM and SFGAd, Superman: Ultimate Flight, Nitro, Leap the Dips, Texas Giant, Shockwave @ SFoT, the world famous (infamous?) X (not X: the Xtreme as the GP like to call it), and many more thi video is great! He rides the lift so you dont have to! Thast right, Its straight to the drop on his videos and that is one of the best things about it.
This video too has awesome music! Not quite edited to the music but close enough. But one of the best things about the video is the Bonus Segment of nothing but Xcellerator! "I...Can't...Drive...Fifty-Five!", oh yeah, Sammy Hagar ROCKS!

Overall View

Overall the Videos are awesome! Even rivaling last years videos which were also great, the videos have a good mix of humor, footage, people, and of course...FOOD! You gotta love the food, and the free drinks at Holiday World, but thats a different story.

Ordering Info.

Now, since I know Ive got you drooling, go watch some of the preview footage at...

And when you decide to buy them, and you will, because if you dont you miss out, got to...

Talk To Ya Later!

By: Rock MacDaniel

Hellen Keller went to town a riding on her pony, stuck a feather in her hat and called it BLAUARGFHP!

Post January 24th, 2003, 1:56 am

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Wouldnt this go in off topic? Sorry, I think Im possessed by a moderator of internet passed.

Post January 24th, 2003, 2:31 am
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yes you are right twirlnhurl, and now it's moved, thansk for the topic, it's interesting and downloaded some good footage!

Post January 24th, 2003, 11:33 am

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These are very good yeah, I've seen them earlier. Too bad shipping stuff here from the US isn't that cheap. :/

Post January 24th, 2003, 6:39 pm

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Originally posted by B. st:
These are very good yeah, I've seen them earlier. Too bad shipping stuff here from the US isn't that cheap. :/

It's not that bad for international orders. I only ask an extra $10 per if you order 4 videos, for example, the $10 covers all of them! I try to make it as cheap as I can since they are technically 'home moves'. And I still do the honor system even for international orders, so if you don't like them, just ship them back and you don't have to pay a thing!

--Robb "Sorry if this sounded like an ad...just wanted to respond to clear that up!"

ps. Thanks Rock for posting and making me aware of this site!!!

Post January 24th, 2003, 6:56 pm

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Hey robbalvey you got the best video's EVER!Even though I cant get any of them because I just got my own video camera about a month ago,I downloaded the ones that are free and they are so cool.I love the one of Xcelerator,the music fits perfect with the coaster.

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Post January 24th, 2003, 7:23 pm
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Hey Robb welcome aboard, I'll be ordering some videos later on The demo downloads seem good and I am interested

Post January 24th, 2003, 7:26 pm

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Yeah, I'll keep the downloadable ones coming as I can. It just eats up a lot of bandwidth. I'm thinking about posting our "footage" segment of SFGadv next. Got some really nice shots on CHiller and Nitro last year!

Thanks again everyone!


Post January 24th, 2003, 7:30 pm
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Post January 25th, 2003, 9:05 am

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In what format are these videos in?

(dvd, vhs?)

Or are they the same quality as the samples?

Post January 25th, 2003, 10:35 am

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wws gotta download, stupid americans breaking the spinny machine. I love this video, makes the park look so much better than it is lol. That space shot is my fav. As it hits the top your get ejected out the seat and then freefal back down. Great job Robb

errrrrr stuff

Post January 25th, 2003, 3:22 pm
Oscar User avatar
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lol that was funny seeing the last guy blaming the americans for the broken wheel

Post January 29th, 2003, 11:48 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap:
lol that was funny seeing the last guy blaming the americans for the broken wheel

Thing is though, it was true! You put a group of 'typical' sized ACErs on that thing and the wheel got pretty pissed off!!! =) It used to having kids on there...and I don't think all the kids in England on that thing at one time could ever match the abuse the American's gave that thing in one day!

--Robb "Never actually did see the bill from them!" Alvey =)

Post January 30th, 2003, 1:50 pm

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lol, probally cost more money to send the bill to the US then pay it

errrrrr stuff

Post January 30th, 2003, 2:02 pm
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Post January 30th, 2003, 2:15 pm

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Yeah, i can't order them because it would be way to expensive to send them over the Atlantic


Post January 30th, 2003, 3:40 pm

Posts: 4533
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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

ha, unlucky UK's the best u see [:P] lol

errrrrr stuff

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