- This forum will be composed of mega threads. This means it will be 1 post per theme park. Do not create multiple threads, if the theme park you want to upload pictures of already exists, post it in that thread. If it doesn't exist, make a new thread! Please try using the following format for the thread titles: Park Name, City, State, Country
- Please post pictures that you have taken. Don't post pictures that someone else took. We don't want to get into legal trouble do we now?
- Upload pictures that are of decent quality. Basically if it looks like a potato, maybe consider finding a better quality image to upload

- Each pic or series of pictures should have a caption/description. Just so that people know what they're looking at

- This shouldn't be used for long-term discussions on the rides/parks. How and in which perspective / camera settings are used should be said by the poster if he wants to give that information.'
- If you are making the original post of a mega thread, we ask you to please add in the top of the post the full park name along with the full address (include city, state, country). If you can't do this, we'll edit the post for you.
- As a friendly reminder, the pictures you post should be available to use as open source. This way other forum members can use them for stuff like computer backgrounds, etc.
- Mobile users should heed caution wandering into these threads as your data plan can be consumed by quickly by the amount of pics these can come to hold

Many thanks to Der LK 7531 for helping set up this forum