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Scenery and theme necessary?

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post December 25th, 2004, 9:21 pm

Posts: 918
Points on hand: 905.00 Points
Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Is it really necassary to include scenery in your ride? I have been knocked down and seen others get knocked down on points for lack of scenery or theme, whether they have a decent coaster or not. I, along with others, don't have the luxury of the object creator and environmental like others. Those of you who make intracite 3Ds and complex environments, good for you. It adds to the coaster a great deal, but please don't knock down on points for lack of it because it is not available. Thanks for your consideration.

Post December 25th, 2004, 9:31 pm

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Iron -- even some trees can increase appearance, but should NEVER be used to hopefully "hide" ride imperfections (like using amazing 3D's and attaching them to a crap ride hoping for good marks). It gives the coaster that "finished look" where the SIM can make it look so empty. Now, for RCT1 - RCT3, scenary is a must. But in NL, like I said, it just gives that finished look and almost makes it appear to be more real, IMO.

However I agree ... scores should NEVER be affected by lack of scenary, but when it is there, and done well, I always add to the score.

See this for how I rate (loosely done of course with no real values added):

Post December 26th, 2004, 1:00 am

Posts: 1620
Points on hand: 4,230.00 Points
Location: USA
finally a guide that actually makes sence! good job on that one.

wtf... wait a min.. your my enemy...... i hate you[:O] you suck


Post December 26th, 2004, 10:42 am

Posts: 2260
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Location: MI, USA
Originally posted by TConwell

Iron -- even some trees can increase appearance, but should NEVER be used to hopefully "hide" ride imperfections (like using amazing 3D's and attaching them to a crap ride hoping for good marks). It gives the coaster that "finished look" where the SIM can make it look so empty. Now, for RCT1 - RCT3, scenary is a must. But in NL, like I said, it just gives that finished look and almost makes it appear to be more real, IMO.

However I agree ... scores should NEVER be affected by lack of scenary, but when it is there, and done well, I always add to the score.

See this for how I rate (loosely done of course with no real values added):

As for the RCT's, you forgot to mention that certain NL restrictions still apply, commonsense items, like avoiding collisions, having realistic stations, attempts of sufficient supporting, etc.

Post December 26th, 2004, 11:03 am

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

^ Yeah, I figured that not killing your riders would be common sense so I left it out. :-)

Post December 26th, 2004, 3:53 pm

Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Iron Man, don't worry about scenery and theming too much. About 90% of the coasters I upload to the exchange are completely un-themed, and they will still get high scores as long as the ride is a good one. Think about coasters in real life... does anyone rate down Cedar Point's coasters because they are unthemed? No way. All you really need to add are some trees, and maybe a custom station and queue path. That is just about all that most real coasters have. Granted, theming does add some extra points to your score when you do it right, but it is not necessary.

Post December 26th, 2004, 9:26 pm

Posts: 918
Points on hand: 905.00 Points
Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

One weird thing I got rated down on Iron Blitz for was stealing a theme when I didn't even use a theme. WTF?
TConwell, this is strictly for NL. RCT is out of the question, (I hate RCT anyway.) And one thing you might mention in your "How to rate NL coasters", is the NL 1.55 and the new pursuit veiw. I use pursuit now to see how the ride flows. It is an awesome addition.

Post December 26th, 2004, 10:34 pm

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

I forgot about the 1.55 addition! Let me make that change! Thanks man!

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