i can't FVD! i use prefabs for corners and shaping, everything else i handbuild, i mean if you look at all the numbers at first it's insane, i am simply not a big numbers and equations guy, if there is like 50 sets of words and numbers, with brackets, colons, ETC and if you get one wrong your track could end up looking like a steel factory has vomited all over the floor, my brain simply short circuits and i get a retarded look on my face like when i think "how does a baby fit through there?"
Cradled by two loving arms that I'd die for, One little kiss and Felina goodbye.
Actually, there are not that many numbesr...
Let's se...
By the 6 time zones one you have...
6 numbers for the [1]
6 numbers for the [2]
10 or 11 numbers for [7]
and 10 or 11 nr.s for the [8]
For the last time, the inputs for the FVD formula requires virtually no math ability! It's all arithmetic. The formula itself takes care of all the fancy physics, etc.
However, if you want some real math, I'm about to sit down and prove a solution of an inhomogenous three-dimensional heat equation. Ugh.
Did you ask a physics major? If not he or she probably does not know a lot of the math inside of this. Plus many math teachers don't go into very advanced math because most math taught at high school and below is simple.
And just to solidify the point, you do not do any complex math at all with these formulas. If you can add and subtract, you can use these.
You showed it to him once. Gave him no real chance to go over things and plug-n-chug with the numbers to try and get some elements.
If someone even does want to help you, you'll have all the time in the world to go over them...
What if I asked you what jHo1s meant? You wouldn't know, because it could mean a crapload of things. If you told him that gTimA meant Gforce Time Zone A, he could catch on faster.
Um, first of all it took you forever to figure out the simplest things with this formula and now you're bragging that you know more than your teacher who likely has no interest in roller coasters, and has never seen this set of formulas before...you forget that you had trouble making a simple hill when one was practically given to you.
Second of all, I don't think being able to add and subtract when all the real work has been done for you makes you smarter than your math teacher. I think saying that automatically makes you dumber, whether or not you had a chance of being smarter.
These comments you make are the reason why people treat you the way they do. If you still believe you're smarter, I challenge you to figure out FVD, then get your teacher to give you some of the hardest problems he's solved in college (and college math for teachers is generally much much harder than what they'll have to teach). Solve those in the time you've given him to figure out FVD.
ya see, gerstlcrazy actually said something useful, which was that GtimeA means G force time zone A! we are straying waaaay off topic here and i think that we should go back, because i would like to know how these things work. complaining about why we don't know how these formulas works gets us no closer to understanding how they actually do, please help not moan, thanks.
Cradled by two loving arms that I'd die for, One little kiss and Felina goodbye.
When someone acts as they do, they bring it on themselves. For me, it started with the "lets all [read: Xpress] make ourselves sound good by saying we're smarter than our math teacher for a completely illigitimate reason" raid.
We (redunzelizer and me) obfuscated the formula a bit (but not so much that we ourselfs couldn't read it), so it wouldn't be too easy to figure out HOW it works. Only if you allready have a good idea on the inner workings, you might be able to unscramble the formula.
Anyway, understanding the core formula is not needed if you just want to USE it. We tried our best to make the USE-part easy to understand.
I've been working with FVD for a couple of days. I got a semi good Immelman finished but no where near my likings. I think Xpress is being lazy and not wanting to put the effort into it.
i hope someone can give me a hint how i make turns with FVD. My first though was that i could use a constant banking and gforce for a b- and gtim, but the result wasn't that great http://www.NoLimitsDevCenter.net/i38216
If you want the turn to stay low to the ground you will have to start the banking way earlier and probably have a greater um..banked angle. Excuse my lack of technical terms, Mondays blow.
Actually theres a simple way to do it with one of the Functions. It was either C or S (I think C for Constant) and it should be in there. If not, search the forums for Constant functions FVD and it should be somewhere.
There are two gPunk transition formulas that keeps the slope the same, as noted in the comments to the right of them. If you're at a slope of 0, use the first, and if not, use the second. You'll be able to make sweet flat turns all day.
Yea, I wouldn't wanna get an FVD either... it doesn't sound like it'd be all that much fun. But I did come close that one time I sat in the sheets of CKMW & Xpress's dad.[xx(]