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Setting the Refresh Rate in NL 1.7

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Post March 6th, 2010, 5:24 am

Posts: 16
Points on hand: 1,009.00 Points
How does one set the refresh rate for NL 1.7? I normally run my monitor at 1600x1200 with an 85Hz refresh, or if I'm running 1280x1024, I run a 100Hz refresh. When I start NL, which I have set to run at 1024x768, the refresh rate drops to 60Hz, and I hate that because it flickers. If I run anything less than 85Hz, the flickering annoys me. I just cannot find a setting in the simulator to set the refresh rate. I even tried setting my monitor to 1024 x 768 and 100Hz refresh before starting NL, but NL still dropped my refresh to 60Hz.

Any ideas?


Post March 6th, 2010, 5:44 am

Posts: 2077
Points on hand: 4,765.00 Points
Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

Turn vertical sync off and it will go up to the 100 max. It's still jumpy based on how your computer can handle NL, though.

Post March 6th, 2010, 1:19 pm

Posts: 16
Points on hand: 1,009.00 Points
Oh, it's not about frame rate. On the default settings, mine stays pegged at 100 FPS no matter which coaster I run. When I max out all the settings with 1024 x 768 x 32-bit color, including trilinear filtering and 4th setting on full-screen anti-aliasing, it runs 99-100 FPS, and dips to about 70 FPS at worst. That's one of the reasons I like NoLimits more than any other simulator. It's absolutely flawless in its smoothness of rendering, no matter what the track is. I've never seen it do anything jumpy.

I built this in November of 2006. It has:

Abit Fatal1ty AN9 32x motherboard
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ at 2210MHz
2 gigabytes of DDR2 800
NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GTOC with 512MB of DDR3

I built it for graphic design and computer animation school. It certainly did its job, but I dropped out two or three months before getting my degree. I had a 4.0 GPA, but after the school ended up on probation so many times, I lost faith in the education I was getting, despite repeated praise from the instructors of some of my "professional-grade" work.

Anyway, for some reason, this time, switching to 1024 x 768 and 100Hz refresh worked and the setting remained in NoLimits. But I have to do that manually. NoLimits won't remember my 100Hz refresh if I launch the simulator from 1600x1200 at 85Hz.


Post March 6th, 2010, 2:29 pm

Posts: 2077
Points on hand: 4,765.00 Points
Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

I don't know what flickering you're referring to then...the only flickering I've ever experienced was from v sync and FPS being jumpy.

Post March 6th, 2010, 4:11 pm

Posts: 16
Points on hand: 1,009.00 Points
The flickering of a monitor running at 60Hz. What is your refresh rate that you have set in Control Panel > Display > Advanced > Monitor? Is it 60Hz? 70Hz? that means that the monitor's image goes on and off 60 times a second at 60Hz, 75 times a second at 75Hz. Actually a light cannon is scanning all the lines of your monitor out, so it's not all the pixels at once that are flickering, but it happens so quickly that it almost appears that way. At 60Hz, I can see the "strobe" effect created by a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor. If you use an LCD monitor, yours won't flicker at 60Hz because all the pixels remain lighted until they're changed. On a CRT, the pixels is flashed and goes dark until the cannon returns to it. By raising the refresh rate to 85Hz on my monitor, these flashes happen so quickly that I can no longer sense when the pixels go dark on my CRT, so I see no flickering.

Do you understand that now?


Post March 6th, 2010, 4:21 pm

Posts: 2077
Points on hand: 4,765.00 Points
Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

I know what hz is, and mine is set at 75 apparently. I have never really noticed any flickering however (I do use an LCD).

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