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SFOT (two weeks ago!)

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post April 16th, 2005, 6:15 pm

Posts: 47
Points on hand: 3,732.00 Points
Location: dallas, TX

Sorry, I started this the day after I got back, but I passed out. Lol! No...literally...

LET ME BEGIN BY SAYING I AM A WUSS! I am terrified of coasters in real life. But what the hell? Coasters are meant to be scary in my world, not fun. the pics are dead, sorry. i used to have some on my camera, but i got it hooked up to my computer and i saved em, then deleted my memory card, but i guess someone deleted the file, which blows...oh well. i'll send a link with some cool pics of the park and stuff.


We made it after a friggin long wait to get to the damn gates! that was a ride itself. my friends kept saying "they're warming you up!" but it still annoyed me. luckily, we sent my pretty BF in to get us crap to head out, mainly FastLane dohickeys (that...those...GAH!) and he was pissed when we finally got in cause he had a huge wait to get all 4! lol. and a shitload of money to get em, too. we decided a plan and headed in.


using the stupid fastlane passes...or whatever we went STRAIGHT to the opposite side of the park to get Mr. Freeze passes. luckily, we managed to work the damned machine and headed back to FlashBack for our first ride. it was a 35 min. wait...but what the hell! we sat in the VERY back and i totally wussed out cause it looked like it wasn't going so high, but it was...the drop wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be, but going backwards sure as hell was! it had high forces going backwards through that damn loop!

we back tracked just a little to Wild Clatter! before we went back to hop on Mr. Freeze. it was a short wait, but it kicked ass! i put a penny on my knee and watched it float up to the sky and come crashing down on my head, lmao! true story. so that's the end of the trip, the penny killed me.

before noon, we surprisingly got on Mr. Freeze. the fastpass lane took 2 mins, and we avoided a 2 hour wait. TOTALLY WORTH IT! despite my sweating like a pig and clenching that lapbar like no other, i waited for the launch. it slid off to the side and we faced a huge tunnel with flashy lights and stuff. and in perfect sync, my friend said "Free to go" and we launched and I screamed my ass off! through the top hat, and the huge high speed turn, i screamed. i shut my eyes when we started to go straight up, but i opened them from the nudge of my friend to find us WAY high up, and i bravely lifted my hands up during the decent, and we went through it again, me screaming my ass off, backwards.


What better than quench by dried mouth than with some dippin dots? lol...yum...and a turkey leg...and fries...and cotton candy...even though i managed to sit with no ass, cause I screamed it off...lmao!


We decided to ride Batman last, cause meh friend said it would be funner to ride it at night. so, we back tracked to Splash Water and got on that. despite getting drenched, we sat on the bridge to watch a HUGE WHITE WAVE STREAM AT YOUR FACE AND COMPLETELY COVER YOU in piss water, lol. but i screamed again, sense that's all i do, and walked off soaking wet.

we went to Runaway Mountain first, but the line was WAY to long, and we had a debate weather to get fast passes or not, and we did cause that ride kicks ass and we like kick ass rides. so in the meantime, we went to Texas Giant and waited the 1 hour wait. i love that ride. i managed to hold my hands up the whole way (they got tired during the lift, so i put them down) and we screamed top the brake-run dude how much we loved him and how much i wanted his body, and we continued the insanely jerky yet awesome ride of Texas Giant. After that, we hopped on the very loud massage barrels, and waltzed off.

We played a few games in the midway and bought some stuff, and we headed to Runaway Mountain to ride it. We managed back seat cause it didn't matter. I got really nervous during the lift, cause I couldn't see anything. the ride was awesome with helixes and insanely fast turns and some good surprises. I didn't hold my hands up due to the chop off factor, but i had a good time. my legs felt like jelly afterwards.


it was around 4:30 PM by the time we had finished Runaway Mountain, so we headed off to get a fast pass ticket for Titan. We then went back and hopped on Superman: Tower of Power after a 30 min. wait. i was freaked out by how tall it was, and the free fall sensation didn't help. it got a little boring after the first big decent, but hey, more ride for your time.

We ate more dippin' dots and headed WAY across the park to ride Shockwave. Sense I had previously re-created it, i was disappointed to find that i did have the colors wrong. we waited a long wait (so it seemed) and was lucky enough to get front. sense i have been on this before, I help up my hands the whole way, even through the loops! Yay!

We played more midway games and headed to Titan, where the wuss fight truly began. after watching the decent, I freaked out. i began to refuse to ride it and started yelling at my friends. after 10 MINUTES OF ME BEING A PAIN IN THE ASS i finally got on line, but had made a deal that by the time we got to the station, I could ride or not. it was a 5 min wait, and fears ran through my head the whole time. i boarded FRONT ROW RIGHT (lol, no center) and shut my eyes the whole lift. but out of pure braveness, and the power to impress my friends, i held my hands up all the way till the first helix! BOY DID I SCREAM! the helix was ULTRA fast and i began to see little black spots in front of my eyes until out decent into twist madness, where i actually began to have fun, lol. i screamed out of pure enjoyment and happily waltzed off and sucking in a bried "I TOLD YOU SO!" episode from my friends. lol.


it was 6:00 by the time we finished all of that. and we ran to batman to get fast passes and a few model shots of me sexually harassing the bat-mobile (luckily no one cared). and we decided to play at least 20 midway games before it was time. my friend came laughing his head off to realize that we had beaten a 2 and a half hour wait. we waited at least 2 mins. i felt bad, and scared that someone was going to kill me. we got front, and held on. at night, this coaster is the BEST! those lopps and zero-g roll owned, and the flatspins where fast and smooth. it was by far my favorite coaster, even after Titan. it was a lot better than i had imagined it, and i hopped off with glee and a much needed laughter.


Afterwards, we went to ride Judge Roy Scream, a wussy coaster, but we did it for the fun of it. we were the oldest of the kids in line. We had fun fake screaming and stuff, but it was a lot colder and was more refreshing to ride it at night. it was *:00 by that time.

we said our last goodbyes to the park, and rode off in my kick-ass car back to Baby Doos (or something along those lines) and we got home around...midnight.

Links to View Rides:

I hope those links work, too lazy to test em.
IF you actually read this, feel free to PM me about anything that deals with Six Flags Over Texas. And...if you want to know how I sexually harrassed the batmobile.

[dorkhat]SEE YA![dorkhat]

(is cussing alowed...?)

Post April 16th, 2005, 8:04 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Post April 17th, 2005, 8:59 am

Posts: 47
Points on hand: 3,732.00 Points
Location: dallas, TX


we are a weird bunch of people. sorry about my awesome pics that i LOST actually, i didn't delete the memory card. i used it today and realized my memory card was gone, so i might go out and buy a new one. if you want to know, our names are Avy (me), Bryan (BF), Sarah (b***h that started yelling at me) and Peter (Sarah's BF). and yes, my pants went off in the metal detector. lol!

see ya![dorkhat]

Post April 17th, 2005, 10:40 am

Posts: 16
Points on hand: 2,823.00 Points
Location: FREEPORT!, New Yorkeh guys are weird. i wish i went on this trip with you guys!! i didn't expect you'd be a wuss, dns. but hey, there is a world full of wusses. i know all my friends are, they refuse to go on anything upside down, so usually i have to go to parks with my sisters...or someone i don't like.

Stupid wusses...

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