Ok, Ok. I think I side with intaminfan here. Shockwave at PKD is the only standup coaster I have wanted to ride more then 5 times. Yeah, its rough. But if you don't have the balls to get banged around a few times, excuse my language, then frankly I don't think your a real thrill seeker. Most enthusiasts diss on arrow and togo for their roughness, now I know there are some just too painful Togos out there, but shockwave isn't one of them. Shockwave is just a plain old great ride, and every time I get off of it I have a big smile on my face. The airtime is very very good, especially considering B&M standups have 0 airtime, mabye one instance of mild hangtime.
Anaconda-one of my favorite loopers...take it any day over a B&M looper. I don't dislike B&M rides, they just as intaminfan, don't do it for me. They are fun, but don't give me any thrill to speak of. Too smooth and too little force. All there is is positive Gs. Anaconda has positive gs, negative gs, and lateral gs, and only one headbang, which is completely avoidable. Yeah, its rougher then a B&M by far, but its also much more intense. This goes for just about every arrow megalooper too. "Enthusiasts" really get on my nerves most of the time. When I go to a park, I do it for fun. I have fun on the coasters. I don't go picking aorund trying to find every detail wrong that I can, which seems what most of you are doing.
I also agree that I on the most part love intamin rides, sros@sfne is top 3 steel for me, the other sros I've ridden is top 10. Volcano is top 10. But millie and ttd arent. Millie doesnt have much of any force compared to the SROSes, and only 2 instances of air I felt, though some say there is more. TTD to me is just another one trick pony. I'm glad I rode it, it was alooot of fun, but just nothing like the other Intamins, at least not for me.
See people like tony and me have fun on every coaster at a park, and don't diss them down, well not that much. I'll say a ride is boring or forceless if it is. I like rides that are intense, have more then just positive Gs, rides that make you smile very bigly if thats a word. B&Ms just arent as forceful as say a good wooden coaster or an arrow megalooper, so I don't ride them as much. Don't think that that means I hate them though, seriously.
Thats my little 2 cents there.