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Should I buy it???

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Post July 15th, 2003, 9:40 pm

Posts: 61
Points on hand: 2,450.00 Points
Location: PLAINfield, Illinois, USA
I was thinking very deeply about buying no limits...[:D], hyper rails or scream machines..I was looking at pictures of them, and i would like to have at least one of the three... But in your guys opinion... which is easier to learn? Which one of the three are better in graphics and whatnot... I am trying to graduate from roller coaster tycoon2[dorkhat][8D][dorkhat]
Last edited by coasterinsane on July 15th, 2003, 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post July 15th, 2003, 9:59 pm

Posts: 503
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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

ok, i have the majority of coaster games (except disny and ultimate ride). I have to say no limits has more trakcs, and better graphics. Also the sounds in nolimits are surpurb and you have a better "sense of speed" than in hyperrails. The editor in both games can be a bit confusing, for one, no limits has a seperate editor from the simulation, and its wireframe. You have different views, top, left, right, front back, and 3d. Hyper rails is totaly in 3d. In no limits, you click to add a track segment any where, the shape of the track depends on where the previous track node is and where the next one is, of course you can alter it and change it around to whatever you like. In hyper rails, you click add, and it will add a srait peice of track then you shape it to the way you like. I would say hyper rails' editor is a bit easy to get used to, but no limits' editor isnt hard to use. You can make much smoother coasters in no limits (in my opinion). For the graphics and such, go to and download the demo. You can mess around in the editor, but you cant save! So only thing you can ride are the rides that are there. I know, when you first start to use the editor, its like WHAT THE HECK! But trust me, mess around and study the other rides, see how they are built and try to mimic them, but just try everything to see what each button does. There is a help guid ( not sure if it is with the demo) incase you are just totally lost. When i bought no limits, it took me around 1 week to get the editer down and design descent rides. Hyperrails, it took me a while to figure out the brakes and blocks, and its not that easy to make coasters as smooth as you could in no limits. If you are thinking about screammachines, i suggest you download that demo too to see if it will run because that game requires a pretty up to date computer. For as the editor for screammchines, its very simular to no limits, only it isnt a seperate program. Screammachines also has just about every track style, but as i said, download the demo to see if its for you. Overal, no limits IS the better buy. Download both screammachines and no limits to see which you like better. Sadly there is no demo for hyper rails, i beleive, but the requirements are about the same as no limits.

Post July 15th, 2003, 10:51 pm
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Scream Machines has more track styles and takes much better screenshots. Playing around with the settings and a good video card, scream machines can be top notch. No limits is a tad easier to use in my opinion editor wise. It has good graphics, but there is still that certain touch it lacks for some reason. Hyper rails is allright, you design in 3d mode, which is difficult for me, dunno why tho and there are no alt tags in hr to see what each button does so u need to have the manual handy, nl and sm are self explanatory and easy to adapt to. I use NL much more than SM, I have SM tracks but don't upload them simply because I cannot get used to their supporting system. not that it's difficult but I am stuborn and get bored easily and hate the idea of hitting a button to switch support styles, I prefer nl's way to list all the support styles in the menu and just click which one you would like to use and bam, custom supports are easier in SM in my opinion since you can like thread along without cliking node by node, just drag drag drag bam, easier to connect. All in all SM and NL are the best choice. It comes down to if you want more track styles then get SM if you want a slightly easier editor get NL. Both of them are from from being an RCT type of game. These are cad based eidtor and take some pratice to get used to it. So try out the demos before purchasing.

Post July 16th, 2003, 1:38 pm

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thats what i did, i tried both demos, i liked SM's tracks style, but i liked NL's realism and graphics more. just try both of the demos and then decide, heck, you could get both!

Post July 16th, 2003, 10:36 pm

Posts: 61
Points on hand: 2,450.00 Points
Location: PLAINfield, Illinois, USA
Thank you everyone, i i just got done buying and installing no limits![:D]It is great... it took me a few attempts to understand it... but now i am getting the hang of it... i will put my first "good" coaster up when i finish it....( you will probably see it in around 1 year) lol well thnx for you tips!!!

Post August 26th, 2003, 9:08 am

Posts: 1620
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Location: USA
no limits is by far the best non profesional coaster simulator out there, YES! BUY IT! and, delivery is non existant and immediate!

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