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Should I upgrade my computer to run NL2 better?

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Should I get a more powerful video driver?
More ram?
Better processor?
Better CPU?

I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti version 311.06

Should I upgrade that or get a better unit?

Post January 13th, 2014, 12:19 am

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I would advise against upgrading hardware just for NL2 until we at least know a lot more about the performance issues going on.

Post January 13th, 2014, 4:32 am

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^ agreed

How does it run atm? 4gb of ram and a 550 *should* be enough to run on medium fine

Post January 13th, 2014, 5:05 am

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I was wary of my PC as well, because I have the integrated processor/gfx card, AMD/Radeon 6550 I think 8G RAM, and the demo works fine as does the editor itself. Definitely a bit different, but I like it.
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Post January 13th, 2014, 7:03 am

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I upgraded video card to msi gtx760 and getting 60+ frames on tango with everything on high

Post January 13th, 2014, 8:28 am

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I have AMD Radeon 7700HD Series card and 16GB of RAM, yet Tango does not do happy things to my PC
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Post January 13th, 2014, 9:35 am
SauronHimself User avatar
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For your PC I would hold off on upgrading until performance issues have been fixed with the game. When someone like me with a beastly gaming rig is getting 100+ fps on max settings and then drops to 29 as soon as I turn my gaze toward the station, that's a game optimization issue.

Post January 13th, 2014, 11:55 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Originally posted by Dan.T

I have AMD Radeon 7700HD Series card and 16GB of RAM, yet Tango does not do happy things to my PC

For some reason, they didn't optimize or test this on AMD GPU's it seems. I also have an AMD card (270X), which runs with the GTX760, yet the performance is crap.

A critical update better address this.

Post January 13th, 2014, 2:05 pm

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I enables my Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti processor and I now get 27 or higher FRPS when looking at the Olympic looping coaster. I still get 17 FRPS when looking at the Tango.

Post January 13th, 2014, 3:59 pm
doc28if Premium Member
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I have a macbook pro laptop and am running bootcamp windows 7. lowest 24 FPS on demo

Download Attachment: [img]icon_disk.gif[/img] DxDiag.txt

still cautious about purchasing. should i be?
especially concerned about FPS if multiple tracks in one park. any advice would be appreciated as I am limited on funds but as long as i know my computer could handle it, I would buy. Thanks


Post March 7th, 2014, 11:37 am
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doc28if wrote:
I have a macbook pro laptop and am running bootcamp windows 7. lowest 24 FPS on demo

Download Attachment: [img]icon_disk.gif[/img] DxDiag.txt

still cautious about purchasing. should i be?
especially concerned about FPS if multiple tracks in one park. any advice would be appreciated as I am limited on funds but as long as i know my computer could handle it, I would buy. Thanks

Just jump right in and pick up a copy. I'm running it on a laptop and it runs fine. Sure every once in a while I get an fps dip but it is rare. Get it from these links though: post25093.html#p25093
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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I actually upgraded my RAM and GPU. I'm in the process of upgrading piece by piece to a newer PC anyway! NL2 runs at max specs with few hiccups.
Oh, were you expecting something here?

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amd a10 with r7 chip built in and 16gb of ram and it runs everything on ultra with no lag or drop
but i would like to see nl2 update with amd mantle so that amd chip sets can get better performance out of the game

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I want to buy a Intel i9 cpu and a stronger graphics card than my NIDIVA GeForce GTX 960. Maybe a NIDIVA Titan card. I hope to run Jamp Up Land or my 26 mile long jet coaster at max fps.

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cool5 wrote:
I want to buy a Intel i9 cpu and a stronger graphics card than my NIDIVA GeForce GTX 960. Maybe a NIDIVA Titan card. I hope to run Jamp Up Land or my 26 mile long jet coaster at max fps.

The best reason to upgrade your PC.
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I have this new 2,000 dollar dell gaming pc coming now! Now I will be able to work on my 26.5 mile long jetcoaster!

I want to make it 100 miles long next year! Plus add 80 more knockoff coasters to Jamp Up Land! Plus run the new RMC update even better.
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That's not upgrading, that's outright replacing the old system.
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Should I have 100 i9 CPUs, 100 NIDIVA RTX graphics cards and 100 TB of ram for my gaming pc? Then I could run Jamp Up Land at 100,000 fps! It would cost 1,089,000 to have it I think.

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