I know im the only active member living in greece *sigh*
and the official site
Friday 6th of July 2007
Athens, Greece - Allou Fun Park Entrance
- Casper and family
- Casper's friend
18:00 -- Meet at Entrance, nearest to the carpark
18:00 to Late -- walk around and have fun
Late - Later -- maybe a movie in the complex next door?
(( The thing i love about greece, everthing starts like when it gets dark! XD ))
The park is made up of 2 area's, (3 including the kiddie area, we'll give that a miss)
One is the main attraction's area, containing two rollercoasters, a log fume, and variouse flat rides inculding a drop tower, 4G, 5G, 6G, a top spin, and a wet ride inwhich you site in a dingy and a thrown of a half pipe.
Price: 20 Euro for the day - unlimited rides
The other half is *extreame" rides, such a bungee jumping, Off road carting (looks amazing), that robot rollercoaster, a skate park, and some more
Price: individual