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Sneaking Out To Six Flags?

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post June 30th, 2006, 1:40 am

Posts: 891
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Location: Highland, Illinois, USA

So yea, my brother and sister snuck out of the house to mingle with friends and blow up mailboxes with home-made fireworks at 2am.

Wednesday the 29th, my friend from germany (that long haired dude) and seven other co-workers from Dairy Queen all clamored into my six seater Buick; nine people in an hour and fifteen minute ride (we made it more like 45min with the three lanes at our disposal) and had quite a day at the park. Freeze of course was down, boss was rough as hell, superman was only running four cars, ninja kicks ass, and screaming eagle was crazy airtime. Best ride had to be the moon cars though! The ops let us cram seven people into the tiny cars, scaring the poop out of the little black kid driving in front of us. Anyways, we left at like 6pm out of 3am tiredness. (I had to sleep in my computer chair on my bed to keep rights to it. For some reason, all my friends want to sleep in my bed. Odd since three people have died in it.) We went to McDonalds for an after-park fix and I called my mom. She said be home at 7pm, it was 6:15 at the time. I had to run eight people home and be back in my driveway in 45min. It would legally take two hours.

Why couldn't I just say I won't be home at 7pm because of the drive? She thought I was at the beach 30min east of my house. SFStl is 1.25hr WEST of my house. I was about two hours from where I was supposed to be. I had told her days before we were going out shopping, golfing, go-carting, and swimming... for 10 hours. We all really had Six Flags in mind. I was the only passholder, so all I spent money on was gas. Easy for me to get by with it. She bought it that I was still at the lake, so I told we would try to be home around 7. Ends up I was in the drive at 7:10. It took me only 40min to drive over 100miles. Man did we fly! Being 6:30pm, it was rush hour traffic in St. Louis (the very reason my mom doesn't want me at SFStl). Average speed was about 60mph, we were weaving in and out of cars at 80-90mph for about 20min, (What a rush! I swore we would've gotten pulled over, but we didn't.) not to mention we were shooting off M-88s and roman candles from the car. For those who don't know, M-88s are basically smaller M-80s which is a 1/4 stick of dynamite. One chick was lighting one when she freaked out and dropped it on my floor. It blew up and filled the car with smoke. We looked mighty suspicious, as if with pot, with a smoke filled car and nine people in it. I took all them home with them pratically rolling out of the car as I drove by their houses. I pulled into my driveway 10 minutes late. She wasn't mad at all. My excuse was I had diarrhea and had to stop. It worked well. I knew she'd be mad at me for going somewhere w/o telling her (the lake, she didn't know we were "doing that") so that kind of stalled her from thinking I did something major like going to Six Flags.

I know that's a horrible TR, but it was an awesome day and so much fun scaring people with my driving. I guess I'm still 16 and immature, but if that's what it's like, I'll act 16 for now on!

Going to Six Flags is more innocent than banging buddies in the dead of night I'd say. Not sure which I'd prefer...[:p]

Post June 30th, 2006, 2:04 am

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Post June 30th, 2006, 3:03 am

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

Well, you're definitely lying, at least about specifics. 100+ miles in 40 mins. Yea, thats an average of 150 mph, and I doubt a Buick could ever reach that speed, let alon maintain it in traffic for 100 miles. I guess you're prolly just exaggerating though, so I'll leave it at this: Yous should have gone golfing, go-carting, and swimming. Way better than a frantic day at a 3 coaster park. (With Freeze closed)

Post June 30th, 2006, 3:29 am

Posts: 891
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Location: Highland, Illinois, USA

Nah, frantic day at the park was fun. We only got in 13 coasters with the park dead, but it was still pretty awesome with our solid group.

Yea, I figured wrong with the odometer. It's roughly 70 miles from town to town, extra 10-15 miles running them all home. It comes out to like 80-85 miles give or take.

Post July 1st, 2006, 2:42 am
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Post July 2nd, 2006, 12:50 am

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

80-85 miles still aint right. That's 120, and I'll tell you now you werent going 120. Maybe an hour for 80 miles, thats a bit believable at least.

Post July 2nd, 2006, 12:55 am

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Post July 2nd, 2006, 12:59 am

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Wow, sounds like a hell of a lot of fun! Blowing fireworks off in your car with 9 people in, now i cant wait till i turn 16 so i can drive

Post July 2nd, 2006, 1:46 am

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Might seem fun, but believe me, you shouldn't ever fire fireworks out of the car. It can cause problems with not only your car but also someone elses.

Post July 2nd, 2006, 8:59 am
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Post July 2nd, 2006, 4:13 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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But seriously ... most of this is really random, sounds like me when I'm lit up!

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