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So Sept. 11 is this Saturday

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Post September 9th, 2004, 11:10 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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and its going to be 3 years since the attacks, I believe. What do you guys think? I think that it has opened our eyes to terrorism, but with time, has shut the eyes of many, and bla bla bla and more jibberish.

Post September 9th, 2004, 11:22 pm
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Doesn't feel like that long ago. Kind of hard to believe.

It didn't open our eyes to terrorism, terrorism has been around for a long time. It was just a really huge attack.

Post September 9th, 2004, 11:25 pm

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It doesn't seem like 3 years ago either. I think though that since the attacks, us Americans realized how vulnerable we really are.
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Post September 10th, 2004, 1:03 am

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I find that this has brought out the absolute worse in north america, anyone that is of middle eastern desent is absolutely terrified to travel into the US from Canda. And the sad thing is these fears aren't completly unbaised. The US exported many people back to their "native" countries where they where procecuted as criminals. I also think that many people thought of this as a mear mad man out to kill everyone in his path, which isn't true. This attack was towards the north american economy and the way that we are absolutly raping the earth. I think i'll stop now because i really wouln't want to offend anyone here. And BTW this was not a huge attack, Thousands of people die all the time around the world in mass genocide, and it doesn't even make headlines, I think that this was just a big wake up call for north america.

Post September 10th, 2004, 2:22 am
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This attack was towards the north american economy and the way that we are absolutly raping the earth.

I am sure this can become a huge topic based on this comment alone. I for one do not feel that America is raping the world due to economy. The reason we are such a big economic power it is beause we have the know how to do it. The US has been the country with the most breakthroughs in everything that any other country. Name one country that in the past 50 years to present that has given the world so many breakthroughs to bite on. Don't say Japan because all Japan has done is ap0plied great theories to great use, but hasn't had many breakthroughs as the U.S.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post September 10th, 2004, 5:40 am

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September 11th - for most people the most horrible day in her life. I couldn't belive that while I was watching TV and heard about the WTC and the planes crashing into it. So much death, so much cowardice by the terrorists and thier orgranisation. I think everyone of us feelt like all Americans very sad a terrible this day :'(. My whole condolence belong to the people whose lost someone they loved in the WTC.


Post September 10th, 2004, 6:50 am

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okay, sept 11 was a big attack. the largest ever on american soil. yes there is genocide in sudan and other places in the world, but us americans have never seen anything even resembling war since pearl harbor so this is more dramatic to us. also, japan does make a ton of breakthroughs. hey, they have square, stackable watermelons! they also have very innovative stsyems for clenliness and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. but september 11 was a huge attack. nearly 4000 people died at the trade center alone! and i dont know about you, but i'd rather be shot in the head during a raid (unexpected so you dont have time to realize your going to die) than be told to call my loved ones because some schmuck is going to crash my plane into somethng in 20 mins. or be forced out the window 110 stories above the ground because of the heat and pressures of burning airplane fuel. or be trying to get out when an incredibly huge building falls on me. those just dont seem like very plesant ways to die. so yes, sept 11th was a huge attack. as for americans raping the earth: well, the earth doesnt have the right parts for us to "rape" it, however, we are using waaaaay too much natural resources (oil) so we gotta cut back on that. but i dont think we are neceserily doing tons and tons of harm. also, you cant forget that the attacks were not on the american economy, they were on the entire american way of life. ugh! why dont people realize that "thou shalt not kill"??? (the ten commandments apply to ALL the abrahamic religions).

Post September 10th, 2004, 8:41 am

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Yes Usa has given us many breakthroughs, but that was becasue it was the storngest economic power in the early 1900 and around the second world war. Also it helped a lot that many european scientists fleed from Europe to American when Hitler got power. You have done many big breakthroughs, but don't forget the rest of the world. For instance the internett was developed at the Cern laboratory. But don't let us take this discussion here. Back on Topic: 9/11 change our view about Terrorism. It was the first time where people all over the world could watch terrorism live at TV. Also it happend at central manhattan in the middle of America's financial center.

It was an attack at the american economy and the american way of life, but it was mainly an revenge for USA trying to be world-police. Many people obviously doesn't like that.
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Post September 10th, 2004, 9:20 am

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Terrorism is a completly moronic idea. The killing of innocents, woman and even children can never be justified, And if allah could speak, well, I do not think he would approve. Anyone with a silly notion that the USA brought 9/11 on itself and that we are world bullies is rediculous. If you do not like the way the US does business, then come sit down, talk to us, and help us find an alternative, or a solution. If nothing else, the US does listen to reason. Certainly, enough people want to get into this country, it can't be all bad.

Post September 11th, 2004, 12:51 am

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im sorry if anyone lost someone in the attacks, im going to new york for a memorial service thing, and going to groud zero, just because i belive i should be there, and the WTC were cool buildings.

i also think george W. bush had something to do with it, and he's messed.

Post September 11th, 2004, 1:07 am

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Originally posted by screamomatic

i also think george W. bush had something to do with it, and he's messed.

Farenheit 9/11... yeah, quite a wicked controversy with that. It does make you wonder, because Pres. Bush is a pampered rich boy that would do anything for more money. The attacks have really weakened the amusement park industry as well. 2000-2001 was the peak of the golden age of the roller coaster. Then, 9/11 happens, and suddenly people don't want to travel anymore. And with the economy going down, people have less money to spend on leisure. look what happens then... Arrow Dynamics and CCI go bankrupt, lots of classic older parks have to close due to losing money, and only 8 total wood coasters are built from 2002-2004. One of the things that I bet will happen is Osama Bin Laden will be captured right before the election, ensuring Dubya will get re-elected. It's a bunch of B.S., and I'm sick of how corrupted the USA's politcal system is. This whole thing is a huge mess.

Post September 11th, 2004, 1:09 am

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It would be nice to go into the city for the service, They're going to mark construction of the 'Freedom Towers' today which is good, I'm curious though what will the addresses be of the buildings? will the bee WTC plaza like tey are now or will it be something like freedom plaza. Bush needs to leave office in november if he doesn't I'll go to D.C. and get him out, he's the one that just sat back as he knew it was going to happen, he knew the who, there where, the why, the how, but not the when. I actually wish I had been downtown on 9/11, my dad worked across the street so he saw everything, my grandmother worked on the 97th floor of tower 2 so she was really devistated after 9/11 she lost her long time boss, and she had been working there since the first fre months the towers were open, I even have a coffee mug she gave me that was given to the original people working in he WTC.

Post September 11th, 2004, 1:27 am

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Id also like to say that if you keep up with Osama's main intentions, its a "Holy War" of sorts. He has this sick idea that christians are out to get him, and this mainly comes from the fact that at one time this nation was majority christian in belief, and thus the nation had that label on everything we did and do. Hes an extremist whos been looking for an exscuse to start a war, and like so many in the past, is using religion as his means of transporting the war and his beliefs.

I know quite a few muslims, none of whom agree with Osama's actual belief system, in which christians are evil and their call from Allah is to eradicate us. Ive had a number of them verify thats no where in the koran (sp) and it stands to reason because most religions, (even though christianity isnt a religion, its a relationship) do not condone prejedice or killing.

As far as our country not being secure, I find that very hard to believe. We need not more security, but rather, just more confidence and more personal lack of fear. Buildings can fall all they want, its not going to break the US. Its not going to just up and all of a sudden smash the economy. In order for a nation to be taken over (and thus lose freedoms) another nation has to come in and take out the central government or take over majority of the land.(also highly unlikly, this isnt a small country we live in, its 2,500 miles wide and nearly the same tall) And the likelyhood of THAT happening is slim to none. Even if someone got into the Gov. and tried to overthrow it, they would have to mess with our military here on the homeland first because I guarentee they would rebel instead of listen to what he has to say ya know? They are using fear against us and its said so many people have such a deep fear. Fear is like many other elements of the mind, you do have control over it, how well you do that is how well you live your life. The people who end up living their lives the richest in terms of quality are normally those with no fear.

Freedom to me is peice of mind and freedom in my heart. The freedoms of my flesh are huge, and Im thankful for all of those in the US, but no ones going to make me feel like im not free, mainly because I have no fear of these people. Fear God, not man.

[EDIT] btw, this is in no way a sob story for what I believe etc. I really could care less because I have way more important things to worry about in my own life than to complicate it with fear or this or fear of that. Theres alot to get done in this life and especially here at home, its only a burden if I worry about what some guy is doing to hurt us. Theres always someone trying to do that to us.

Post September 11th, 2004, 1:53 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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(even though christianity isnt a religion, its a relationship)

well, I haven't heard that one before. But I guess in a way, your right. Anyways, I don't understand what cjd was saying. I doubt Bush is doing this all for money and junk. And I doubt Ben Laden will be captured before the elections, and if he is, it might make me wonder, but still. I think Bush is doing all he can to prevent something like 9/11 ever happening again. And, we can't always prevent it still, like the events that recently took place in Russia. I would say that the was just as horrible as 9/11 itself as to innocent children who can't even protect themselves were cruelly slain. And I hope bush gets voted one more year so he can get a good start on the War on Terror before he hands it off to some one else. I mean honestly, if you look at Karey (or however you spell his name) and his voting records, you don't know what the hell he's going to do. He can't be trusted to do the right thing. At least we know what Bush is up to, but Karey is some one who flips his answers and has the attitude of a tree-hugger. If you put the presidency in his hands, 9/11 might happen again, or it might not, but I'd rather go with Bush since we know what he's up to, you know. And I think I went really off topic, but whatever. Political Debate now!!![:D] Just don't call each other stupid, that's never cool.

Post September 11th, 2004, 2:08 am

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Just don't call each other stupid, that's never cool.

In a political debate? lol good luck acheiving that. A politcal debate should go elsewhere, this is about 9/11 and such with it, politics could fit in but it would probably be better in another thread.

Post September 11th, 2004, 2:40 am

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Bush has already proven he can't do what he says he can, so why should we elect him and give him a second chance. Kerry only flip-flops because he thinks about decisions in depth, and he is willing to admit when he's wrong, unlike Bush. That's my 2 cents.

Post September 11th, 2004, 2:47 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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and what do you know, its now september 11 for a lot of you, 15 minutes on the west Coast

Post September 11th, 2004, 1:18 pm

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Originally posted by RCFlyer

The killing of innocents, woman and even children can never be justified.

oh? would you kill 1 child to save 1000 more? Because that is what these people belive they are dieing for.

Post September 11th, 2004, 1:49 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by whitewolf2759

Originally posted by RCFlyer

The killing of innocents, woman and even children can never be justified.

oh? would you kill 1 child to save 1000 more? Because that is what these people belive they are dieing for.

no they don't. That's jus excuses they use to make it seem justified. Truth is, they're probably out to kill everybody who's for what we American's and other countries stand for.

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