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Soaked due for a patch real soon...

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Post June 28th, 2005, 12:18 am

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Two times this has happened now to me today. Both times, I was working with the Laser Light show thing making a Vekoma Head bashing image when Soaked crashed on me. The first crash was when I was aiming the laser projectors. Anyone else had any problems like that yet?

Post June 28th, 2005, 12:55 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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yeah, I get the same exact thing. It's stupid, I posted it on the boards, if I get it, and you get it, I wonder why the beta testers didn't get it, this is a major error! Lets jump coasteragent for not reporting this problem.[lol]

Post June 28th, 2005, 1:09 am

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Another reason why I don't play RCT3... You think with the expansion they would have corrected the crashing...

Post June 28th, 2005, 1:32 am

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Yes, I dont play RCT3, I have it, but I dont play it, IMO it was the worst game ever made, Atari/Frontier made it look like that it RCT3 would change the series of the RCT genre, but RCT2 is much, much better IMO, and im sticking to the classic RCT, and not the future of RCT.

Post June 28th, 2005, 1:38 am

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Well, actually the gameplay is awsome now with the expansion pack. It's just some minor glitches that didn't get ironed out *cough*beta testers*cough* =)

Post June 28th, 2005, 2:28 am
Oscar User avatar
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all uptight with beta testing pics and stuff and they still couldn't fix all the bugs

Post June 28th, 2005, 3:30 am

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Well, did they ever give the coasters the correct elements? I remember the Steel Twister Coaster didn't have a Zero-G roll,but the Corkscrew Coaster did... Just wondering...

Post June 28th, 2005, 7:22 am

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Many of the Beta Testers input suggestions/bugs that were ignored by the developers.

I asked a question to David Braben in yesterdays chat about this, to which no reply was given...

Post June 28th, 2005, 10:38 am

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Originally posted by Tycoonman

Well, did they ever give the coasters the correct elements? I remember the Steel Twister Coaster didn't have a Zero-G roll,but the Corkscrew Coaster did... Just wondering...
The only damn coaster they added elements to is the stratacoaster(dive loop,sea serpent,and zero G-Roll)but they call the "Hershy Stormrunner coaster" instead of just stratacoaster.Come'on we need dive loops , and zero g-rolls for B&M's!

Post June 28th, 2005, 11:30 am

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Originally posted by thecool326

yeah, I get the same exact thing. It's stupid, I posted it on the boards, if I get it, and you get it, I wonder why the beta testers didn't get it, this is a major error! Lets jump coasteragent for not reporting this problem.[lol]

Actually, none of that popped up during beta testing. There have been other bugs reported though (rather minor actually), that I'm pretty sure they didn't bother to fix, but I never got any of that stuff. Maybe it's a driver problem?

And I'm still kind of pissed about the strata and rocket coaster, oh well, RCT3 was not meant to be realistic with coasters...

Post June 28th, 2005, 11:41 am

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Post June 28th, 2005, 11:52 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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for Hershey's, you can't build Xcelerators or kenonans. All you can build are hershey storm runners and KK & TTD. They won't let you do tricks building normal, its only when your building diagnal on the SR. Why can't they just let you build how Intamin would let you build, everywhere!

Post June 28th, 2005, 3:30 pm

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Kind of dumb how they named it hershey's storm runner ride rather than rocket coaster. Also, you've only got the track pieces from the actually ride. They really need to fix up this stuff.

Post June 28th, 2005, 6:19 pm

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See, more reasons why I didnt even bother thinking about buying it...[;)]

Post June 28th, 2005, 8:12 pm

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I was loading my fireworks shows when the game crashed it loeded the fireworks and then crashed on me. I like the expansion pack that is the only proulum that I have had with the expansion pack. I think I found another proulum with the game the lage spash botas ride has no water in it any one else have that proulum? I like that they put the strom runner in the gamme but I think that there should be more track pices then the storm runner track pices I say this becuse you can do a receraction of xlator you can do storm runner top thill draster and kingda kina which dosn'nt seem far to me does anyone else agree that they should fix this proulum so we can do xaltoer and other rocket coasters? I like that you can save seanry with your coasters like in rct2 but when you save the staion you can get to the enters of the ride you have to find were the station is and buld a path out the walls which messes up the seanry of the ride everything else I like I like the pools the new coasters and new thill rides.

Post June 29th, 2005, 3:01 am

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I got RCT3, (soaked on July 3rd(damn, 2-3 weeks before dispatch [V] )), is it just me, or when i built a dingy ride, and made a huge drop, then made a small hill, the dingy stayed on. (like in RCT2 where it would fly off and crash). Has that been fixed?

Post July 3rd, 2005, 11:48 pm

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Originally posted by thecool326

yeah, I get the same exact thing. It's stupid, I posted it on the boards, if I get it, and you get it, I wonder why the beta testers didn't get it,
hmmmmm its problably cause they were bitching about our screens [lol][devilish]

Post July 4th, 2005, 8:38 pm

Posts: 243
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Location: Lancaster, pa, USA

I think that there will be a patch out for soaked soon and I hope there is. I load a fireworks show and it sanes it and then the game crashes. Is anyone else having this proulum? The giga coaster got fixed in this expansion pack and the other coasters are fixed to. The giant flum ride doesn'nt have water in it is it a bug or do you have to add water to it?

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