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Some news on the NL woodie

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Post February 24th, 2003, 7:21 pm

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I emailed Ole requesting a little update. And this is the answer i got:

Sorry, I cannot provide you with screenshots right now. The progress on
the update is going on well. One thing I can tell you is that the
woodies will have individual sounds which are really cool. There will be
at least 3 train styles to choose from.


I was confused when reading, will there be 3 woodie trains styles to choose from? Because that would be cool [8D]


Post February 24th, 2003, 8:21 pm
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Yeah that sounds possible and I wouldn't be suprised to see them. Hopefulyl this holds up and we see them.

Post February 27th, 2003, 6:01 pm

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anyone know if the tracks are going to have runnerboards and railings too?


*edit* its runnerboards not runnercoards

Post February 27th, 2003, 6:16 pm

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Yes,woodies will have runnerboards and railings too.


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Post February 28th, 2003, 8:54 am

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Umm, Ole said at least three train styles to choose from, not 3, so that's very good.

Post February 28th, 2003, 10:39 am

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Again a little update, i emailed Ole again because i was curious to which cars would be added except for the PTC's

Sorry, no comments. :O) Let me only say that none of the ones you
mentioned will be in there...* Counting the PTC 2 bench and 3 bench style
it will be 4 wooden styles all together.

- Ole

* I mentioned: Vekoma and intamin wooden (also mentioned CCI and RCCA but that was kinda stupid because they don't build trains [:p] )

So 4 wooden train styles so far [8D]


Post March 2nd, 2003, 12:37 am

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Purdy cool, I can't hardly wait. I can't wait to see the new trains and build some great coasters. Maybe a train type they are considering would be a classic wooden coaster type of car? This is purly speculation though, but that would be cool

Post March 2nd, 2003, 10:09 am

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Hey G Force Addict, since you contact Ole more than the average Joe, and I know this is on EVERYONE's mind, but has he mentioned anything about an updated release date? I am just curious so if you don't feel like asking it's all hunky dory [;)]

If Wal-Mart is lowering prices everyday, why isn't anything free yet?

Mister Potato Picks His Nose.

Post March 2nd, 2003, 10:52 am

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Let me give tip for ya.If he has mentioned it,cool.If he hasn't mentioned it don't email him about it.I'm pretty sure that he has enough emails about that already.


Ride to live,live to ride,

Post March 2nd, 2003, 12:07 pm
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Yeah Ole tends to reply to all e-mails he gets [:)] I have not e-mailed him in a while, maybe I should [:p]

Post March 2nd, 2003, 6:00 pm

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Originally posted by Xtreme15

Let me give tip for ya.If he has mentioned it,cool.If he hasn't mentioned it don't email him about it.I'm pretty sure that he has enough emails about that already.

Yeah, I know. But I was just curious [:p]

If Wal-Mart is lowering prices everyday, why isn't anything free yet?

Mister Potato Picks His Nose.

Post March 2nd, 2003, 6:25 pm

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well I am certainly glad they are still going on with the woodies, seeming that the release date was meant to November last year. Oh well, still looking forward to it!


Post March 3rd, 2003, 10:39 pm

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They are working as hard as they can. Keep in mind NL isn't their main job right now, they are only working on it in their "free time" But rest assured, it will be good.

Post March 4th, 2003, 3:56 pm

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No, Ole didn't mention any release dates. And i'm also not gonna email him about it [:)] Just sit tight, the NL time is doing their best on this, and they will release it a.s.a.p. I think we shouldn't rush them by bombing their emails, because if you make something in a rush it usually turns out bad. I think it will be released somewhere at the end of this month or begin of next month. I don't know their progress so that's just a guess. Or something i hope [:p]


Post March 10th, 2003, 6:02 am

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lol yes thats best not to nag them about it, I heard they were relying on Tias Wood Builder to do the supports grrrrrrrr[:(!] can't they make some official tools for creating wooden support strutures.


Post March 10th, 2003, 6:04 am

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Plus using Tias Wood Builder is not that good to be honest with you, because when your in ride mode, it is so slow, it jerks, it even jerks in build mode. Performance really lacks with Tias wood builder.


Post March 10th, 2003, 9:28 am

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He said they will be using a modified version of the woodbuilder. So i think you don't have to worry about your framerate. [^]


Post March 17th, 2003, 5:40 am

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Location: United Kingdom

Oh i see now, well thats cool then [8D]


Post March 17th, 2003, 8:09 pm

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New screenshots out!!!

you won't belive this...

Limits? NoLimits!

Post March 17th, 2003, 8:35 pm

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Post March 17th, 2003, 8:40 pm

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woh! welp... I was coming to tell about the news... lol; cool!

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Post March 25th, 2003, 9:05 pm

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Post March 25th, 2003, 10:56 pm

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Location: Saint Louis, MO, USA <- Developer's Site (Ole) <- Official Order Site (Mad Data)

If Wal-Mart is lowering prices everyday, why isn't anything free yet?

Mister Potato Picks His Nose.

Post March 31st, 2003, 12:49 am

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Noel and all, Tia?????????s all new, highly modified, completely different, better than ever, WoodBuilder, IS the official wooden coaster support construction tool for NoLimits.
And it is no secret anymore; there will be no less than 4 train styles.


Post March 31st, 2003, 12:48 pm

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that sounds reall cool, does anyone know when they are realising it, i just wanna know if they are making good progress at all?

If the lake were vodka and i were a duck i would start from the bottom and drink my way up, but the lakes not vodka and i'm not a duck so pass me the cup and shut the f*** up


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