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Post April 26th, 2006, 1:21 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by Real

Silver Bullet doesnt have an Immelman though...

DD:Fires second helix isnt light on G's at the top! That entire thing is high on G's...the helix is just insane - my favourite coaster moment is that entire ride LOL.

I was referring to the experience on Shiekra and SB, I wasn't very clear on that now that I've reread it.

Anywho.... DD:Fire's immelman felt like it was light on top until you got whipped around and pummeled with forces in that helix... of course I could be wrong and need to reride it again. Heck any excuse to get back to IOA is a good one.[:P]

Post April 26th, 2006, 1:25 am

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Where it may have been "light" on vertical forces it makes up for in a nice lateral whip. I really think the whip on the top of that immelman is among the worst on any B&M. At least the ones Ive been on. It makes the BTR corks seem butter smooth.

Sure, it is smooth on DD on that spot its just taken SO quickly its a severe whip. No way around those lats.

Post April 26th, 2006, 10:55 am

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But Coolbeans, i'de rather be inverted than not inverted.
And Real, i 100 percent agree with you on the fact that the Immelman to wrap around helix on DD:fire has the most insane g-forces i have ever fealt too and im definitely sure on being my favorite element.
Although i didn't find a whip in the ride until the corkscrews.

Krazy T. I also appreciate your love for Sheikra as its one hell of a ride[:)]

Post April 26th, 2006, 12:57 pm

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Post April 26th, 2006, 1:54 pm

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A small trip report:

Along with 20 people from my troop (I'm currently in the army) I went to Tusenfryd for their opening day. The highlight of the day was of course the opening of speed monster. But since it wasn't supposed to open before 12.00 we started the day with a ride at Thundercoaster. The ride was still pretty rough, but very enjoyable. If it hadn?????????t been for the bad trains this ride would have been amazing (as it was a few years ago). After a ride at the space shot we went towards the que for Speed Monster. It was still 30 minutes until it was supposed to open, but we decided to get in line. About 30 minutes later the ride opened. The que takes you pretty close to the corkscrew, and gives you a nice view down the launch track. The station is simple, but cool. I decided to wait for front rowJ The launch is great. The pretzel loop is amazing. But that was expected. What realy surprised me was how great the rest of the ride was. The turn after the pretzel was cool. The airtime hill gave some great airtime, and the corkscrew hops had some realy nice dirction changes. The last corkscrew was taken realy fast, much faster than I had thought. To sum it up this is a great ride. And the smiles on the faces of the people coming of clearly told the same thing. And Tusenfryd now has one of the coolest park entrances in the world. Enterring the par through the pretzel is so cool.If you're lucky you get a train flying around you just as you enter the park.

The rest of the day the ride had a 2 hour que, so I had some more rides on the other coasters. Going back soon to take some more pics and ride it again.

Its amazing how Tusenfryd keep making wuality coasters. Thundercoaster was amazing when it opened. Same about Speed Monster. And Supersplash is a great watercoaster considering the size. The future it looking very bright, and in the mean time I'm gonna enjoy a lot of rides in Speed Monster.

a few Pics: ( I didn't get that much time for taking pics, but I promise I will come with many more and bether pics later[:)]

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Coaster count: 153
Moving to Singapore in july!

Post April 26th, 2006, 4:06 pm
ncf User avatar

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Originally posted by Canadmos

More very nice pics; ... er4.24.06/

Speedmonster movie;

I totally forgot to post that link here, it's actually my update (the one on RCPro)[:D]
I argee with X, SpeedMonster was a truly amazing coaster. The pertzel was my favorite part, so disorienting and forceful! Out of all 72 coaster I have ridden, SpeedMonster deserves to be #5[8D]

Post April 26th, 2006, 4:23 pm

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Post April 26th, 2006, 8:36 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by english coaster guy

But Coolbeans, i'de rather be inverted than not inverted.
And Real, i 100 percent agree with you on the fact that the Immelman to wrap around helix on DD:fire has the most insane g-forces i have ever fealt too and im definitely sure on being my favorite element.
Although i didn't find a whip in the ride until the corkscrews.

Krazy T. I also appreciate your love for Sheikra as its one hell of a ride[:)]

I'm not bashing it, I actually think its my favorite part too, I'm just describing how it felt to me.[:)}

Post April 26th, 2006, 9:34 pm

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any theory applied, it still would be the way it is because of the principal that speed on an element changes force. if you have a lead-in to a turn when the train is going 20mph v. a train going twice the speed, you're not gonna need to make the heartlining as dramatic for the 1st train as you would the second. if that applies to this coaster, it wouldn't be confined to either 50% or 100% heartlining, it would be a lot more precise than that if you choose to measure heartlining in percentages.

but to prove our points we'd really just have to go over to Switzerland and ask Intamin or B&M. I'm SURE they could tell us what they do and we'd both be wrong.

Post April 26th, 2006, 9:56 pm

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Actually, I think the faster it goes the 'less heartlined' it would appear to be, because it has to be alot smoother of a transition than one that is taken at a slow speed.

Post April 26th, 2006, 10:02 pm

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Its perfectly heartlined. Whats so big about it if its not?

If you cant see it from the video you are blind. Plus, I have already read reports of those who have ridden and their exact words were "The first element on Speed Monster was awesome-such a smooth, perfectly heartlined twist."

As Canadmos reiterated - the faster its going the more drawn out the element will be. It takes that thing with some decent speed so its natural that the heartline isnt so drastic.

Plus, how does my picture say its not heartlined, or only partially heartlined? Its clear that the track moves away the full distance.

Sheesh. So stubborn. ;)

Post April 26th, 2006, 10:14 pm

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1)I never said it wasn't heartlined,
2)you said just what I said about the speed
3)I never said your picture say it wasn't, to any extent, not heartlining.

I was trying to explain to whoever said that it doesn't look vertically heartlined that it was because you don't need to heartline everything perfectly and that it depends on different factors.

and it appears we've been saying the same thing the whole

lol don't call me stubborn just because I want to prove a point.

Post April 26th, 2006, 10:20 pm

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Post April 27th, 2006, 12:03 pm
ncf User avatar

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Originally posted by english coaster guy

Great Report!
Damn i hate those trains!

Why? I think they look so awesome! Tusenfryd is a small park and they don't have a problem with the lines, if that is why you hate them ;)

And the heart-line thing, I don't care as long as it feels as perfect as it did ;)

Post April 27th, 2006, 4:12 pm

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I kinda agree with EcG, the tires look like cheesy

Post April 30th, 2006, 12:59 pm
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Post May 1st, 2006, 10:05 am

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Location: Devon, UK
Nice pictures.
Why cant England get a Inverting Intamin Accelrator coaster, lifes a bitch eh?


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