Hi Everyone,
Not sure if this has been tackled before, but was hoping someone could help me with this. I want to create a wooden coaster, but use steel structure like Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, or Invadr. The way I was trying to create this, I keep running into a snag. To make this work, I would create a ghost version of the coaster and hide the track. I would use the wooden generator to create supports only. After the supports are generated, I would change the material to steel supports of some sort. Next, I would go back to the original coaster and to the wooden generator. I would only select the catwalk and railing, but no supports. It generates the catwalk, railing, but no posts to connect to the railings, so the railings are literally floating in the air. Now I could go through and connect each one individually, but that would take forever. Has anyone come up with a better solution? I would love to know!