Geez...haven't posted here in a while...a long while. Anyway...
I had originally posted this help topic over at TPR, but it's not quite as NL-focused as it would be here. I also posted this at the Nvidia forums but doubt they've even heard of No Limits.
In the past, I had been able to run NL using the Stereo 3d driver. I followed the same instructions as it did when it was discovered for using Scream Machines in 3d.
Time went by, I think I may have updated my Nvidia drivers, I upsized my screen to a 32 incher. More time passes, I upgrade my card to a Geforce 8500 GT...liked the sounds of having 1 gig of video memory for my sim. Works great, 100 fps.
Aside from that, I went to get the latest drivers for the Stereo 3d (I'm planning on using my Hannah Montana Anaglyph glasses I snagged from Wal realizing there's no more WinXP support. I found an older driver (supporting WinXP) on Guru3d, which the file name says "StereoE16250-[Guru3d]".
I installed the drivers, went into the Regedit to change the values so that I have access to the Stereo3d controls. (Went to NvidiaCorperation/NvCplApi/Policies/ContextUIPolicy and changed it's hex value to 1)
I enabled the 3d stereo by hotkey and when I do that, and go to run NL, it crashes upon loading. I am kindly greeted with this message:
My computer specs: AMD Athlon 64 2.4 ghz, 1 gb DDR2 ram, Geforce 8500GT with 1 gig VRAM. I'm currently using the latest Nvidia drivers for the best performance out of my card. Thanks for the help!