Originally posted by cjd
I place all the nodes with grid snap at 5 ft intervals, then go into 3d mode and spend countless time connecting all of the dots and changing the position of the bottom nodes to make the supports widen at the bottom like on MF. These supports can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, especially when there are a lot of them. I spent something like 40 hours doing the supports on Cataclysm due to the sheer magnitude of the ride, and I was about ready to keel over by the time I was done. At least they were accurate, though. If you really want to know how Intamin box supports should look, spend some time studying the supports on Millennium Force. That is how I learned everything I know about accurate box supports.
Generally, I use an I beam for the vertical portions of the box supports, and then connect them all with size 1 steel pipes. I use a triangular pattern on the towers, which is what real hypers use, rather than the traditional "X" on most NL coasters. Also, I like to place cross beams that link the corners of the supports together every 3 levels. I can go on and on about this... if you want a visual representation of everything I've been babbling on about, go check out the box supports on the first hill of Cataclysm... those are about as accurate as you can get.
i tried before i made this topic and i really dont feel like supporting because it would take so long
but btw cataclysm was kick ass
how'd you make the ground "glitch"?
that was really cool