Hey peeps,
Everybody is familiar with it. You've just build the best track ever, smoothed it out perfectly and you want to show off to the other WeeWeeSlapians. But hey, you need to make the supports, and the track is 10000 feet long! That will take you a week if you need custom supports, and then you only have the very basic ones without any strenght.
So here's my idea:
Let's make a support cloner. You just make a shape with supports, for example the widely used cube, and then you "save" it as a supportfile. Then you can just add the cube to the excisting supports as many times as you want by simply pressing the "insert" button.
That was the brilliant idea, but it need to be worked out, so we can actually use it. I started programming it, but it turned out to be shiz (sorry, excuse my French). Can someone give it a try? I'm sorry, but I don't have my program anymore, when my computer crashed, it wasn't on a backup, dus it died a slow and painfull death in my memories...
That was about it. Anyone who wants to give it a try?
Indi, the one with the good ideas and the bad performance (and the bad English)
-post in the correct forums-