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Post August 28th, 2005, 1:34 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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i dunno which theming it'll get, but i'm thinking about futuristic with a lot of neon...

speed: 152 kph
lowest speed on track: 41 kph
airtime hills: 7
overbanks: 2
highest drop: 100m
track lenght: 2,3 km
hightest point: 105m
trains: 4 (8 cars)

vert -1.5 | +4.5
lat -1.5 | +1.5

support : grey/silver
rails : grey/silver
maintrack : purple
ties : limegreen
cars : ?
Last edited by hyyyper on April 16th, 2006, 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 28th, 2005, 1:47 pm

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The layout looks cool, but I don't really approve of limegreen and purple track. Also don't you think 4 trains might be too many for a ride without a MCBR?

Post August 28th, 2005, 2:21 pm

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Post August 28th, 2005, 2:29 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Jimmy, Any other suggestions about the colors? The 4 trains will remain, because i'm using two stations and ppl can chill for a lil minute while stacked.

CK, what do u mean by jagged?, this screenshot is taking from quite a distance, you they might look odd, but there's quite smooth, and so far i've got only one banking jerks left to smooth

Post August 28th, 2005, 2:31 pm

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The ending looks horrible IMO, make it flow to the ending, instead of trying to connect it to just end it...and yes I agree with coasterkkrazy those camels, looks like it could kill some-one...but other than that, the coaster looks good, and you really need an MCBR for this one...the coaster is way to long to not have an mcbr...

Post August 28th, 2005, 2:32 pm

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The ending looks wierd...

Why not use a double station setup? That way people won't need to wait to get off. Or is that highlighted track segment another station?
How long is the track?

Post August 28th, 2005, 3:14 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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pumpmeup, i might do that, i was thinking about it, i just hope it doesn't kill the pace in the coaster

FN, that's a station, and it's already mentioned in this topic

Post August 28th, 2005, 3:20 pm

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Maybe dark purple for the rails track spine and ties and grey for the supports.

Post August 30th, 2005, 8:06 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Little Update:

Colors changed into: main-Lime rail-Silver ties-Lime supports-Silver
Cars colors : red, blue, green and yellow

Progress, already made the building layout with supports, aswell as the storage tracks (will be replaces by 3ds later on), the gates with Neon-tubes are done, see the two pics:

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Post August 30th, 2005, 10:06 am

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Post August 30th, 2005, 3:58 pm

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Post September 2nd, 2005, 12:42 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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ride-op panel
station floor
station track trench

lift hill supports
storage tracks

other supports
queue 3ds
building 3ds
lifthill 3ds

Pic of station so far:

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Post September 2nd, 2005, 12:53 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Looks pretty nice, but a few concerns with the G's. Be sure that it does'nt go over -1.5, it's acceptable and liveable but should'nt be sustained. The positive verts are in check, a little much for Intamin Hypers, but it could be nice if used correctly. The main thing with the G's is the 1.5 lats. You don't really have any fast transitions, so maybe you should experiment with banking. It's liveable as well, but possibly a bit to intense.

Post September 2nd, 2005, 5:51 pm

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I am totally not getting what anyones talking about the hills. Remember, you can get a totally different effect by altering the parabola of your hills.

You can have a low sweeping one that provides more constant airtime but slightly less intense or you could have it reach high into the air and have a burst of airtime thats more intense.

Those hills look absolutly fine to me. Im just not sure what you guys mean by point and stuff. Look at Goliath WW final hills, they are VERY pointy. More so than any other Intamin finale hills Ive seen. It lurches over it with a very quick motion.

Leave the hills alone if the G's are fine.

Post September 2nd, 2005, 5:53 pm

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Looks great hyyper! The hills are fine. I'm also wondering if you got the name from Star Trek. I think they have something to do with Trilithium.

Post September 2nd, 2005, 5:58 pm

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i dont know if you mentioned this what kind of themeing?

Post September 2nd, 2005, 10:52 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Woodie Man: i'm not sure where trilithium came from, i just wanted a bit uf futurisic name, and i thought of that name, it possible it's from ST, but it's not based on anything

CK: theming will be futuristic with neon and metal, and support structures comparable to MF

Post September 3rd, 2005, 12:01 am

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Trilithium certainly sounds like a futuristic name.

Post 200.[:D]

Post September 3rd, 2005, 6:22 am
hyyyper User avatar
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mcbr added
track tweaking, rear seat G's are ok now
lift hill supports started

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Post September 3rd, 2005, 10:40 pm

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Wow, you start supporting fromt the top down? I tried that once and it nearly made me scream! I have to go from ground up. Have you always been like that?

I noticed some of your textures looked custom like the control panel. Do you make your own textures?

Post September 4th, 2005, 9:37 am
hyyyper User avatar
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jim: this is my 3rd attempd for the giga-struture, not on this coaster but there were 2 giga before this one that didn't made it, and i always started with the horizontal boxes halfway the lift, then i go up, then make the trampziums somewhere on the map, and when they're done, i drag then under the strucure. And yes, those support are a disorientated hell

as for the textures, the floor is ocMetal004 that's included with the object creator, made tia at the rideop-panel is 100% mine, that's why it's so crappy, and the neon bars are simply two cilinders into each other with the middle one colored with and the outer one is the designated color at 50% tranlucent

Post September 4th, 2005, 9:40 am

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well anyway looks pretty awsome. Cant wait to see how the themeings gonna turn out

Post September 4th, 2005, 9:55 am

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Yea, thats how I figured you did the "neon" look. It turned out great. The op panel doesn't look like crap. I myself would have done a complete replica of it but that doesn't matter. Its better than the normal NL panel.

What program are you using for your 3ds?

Post September 4th, 2005, 10:14 am
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Post September 4th, 2005, 12:55 pm

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Oooo, lol! I though you were using something a little more advanced.


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