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Talking a friend to Bringing a camera when he....

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coolbeans326 User avatar
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goes to all the theme parks he's going to. He's going to Cedar Point, Busch Gardens, some other theme parks, and possibly Kings Islands, so would you like to see vids of that if I can get him to bring the camera?

Post May 5th, 2004, 12:35 pm

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Beware! I brought my new digital camera on rides with me at SFWOA last year and did get an awesome POV of Villian. But then I went on Serial Thriller and stowed the camera away in my pocket. Well anyone who's ever riden that ride knows it beats you up quit a bit. Appearantly enouph to throw my camera from my pocket. Well needless to say, after reporting it to the lost and found and praying and waiting, nothing. So I lost my new $500 Sony Digital Camera. That will never happen again. So just be sure the camera is very secure and if it's an expensive camera, I recomend not taking it on the ride at all. It's really not worth it.

Post May 5th, 2004, 1:40 pm

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o, that really sucks. i would love to see some vids from those parks even though i've already been there. i might even do some movie shooting myself...[pshades]

Post May 5th, 2004, 2:09 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I think it would be a good idea to get as much footage as you can and put it into one HUGE video and post it on here and well, everywhere really [lol] I have 1.86 GB of coaster videos on my computer and there is plenty room for more [:D]

Post May 5th, 2004, 8:16 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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same here, anyways... CSTRFRK, you double posted, so I recomend erasing one of those topics, and also so far it's looking really good, I'm still talking it over with him, and if I can get it, wat ride would you want a POV view of??? Just so I can let him know in advanced, I'm thinking Mellenium Force, but not quite sure (and Top Thrill Dragster is outa the questions, there's nothing to that ride)

Post May 6th, 2004, 11:41 am

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its easiest to take a digital camera onride imo. Thats what i used to capture to Blackpool Videos. I simply walk straight on the Grand National with my camera actualy just hanging round my neck and no-one said anything. I guess they didnt know you could capture movies with it, which is why its a good idea. However as i found you can only have a certain amount of space, hence i only got two onrides withmy 128 meg card (60meg files each coaster) But would be nice to see some of the parks, so get him to take his camera otherwuise we will all kick him

Post May 6th, 2004, 12:58 pm

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Thanks to whoever deleted the double post. I totally did not do that. I don't know how that happened. Anyway. I think I'm going to have a POV of the Tenessee Tornado at Dollywood by the begining of June. I'll ride Thunderhead and judge if I can safely bring the camera on that too. I finally got a 256 meg card so I'll can probably get both POV from the rides and still have room for pics.

Post May 6th, 2004, 7:37 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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lol, I doubt you'll kick him, he's not on currently part of this site, although I've tried, so I don't know wat you would be kicking. Anyways he said he'd try to get Mellenium Force, but if he can't he'll at least take a whole tone of pictures. Then I'll post em on the site. So still keep giving suggestions.

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