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Tech Prob 1.5, Sky box.

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Post October 1st, 2004, 3:58 pm

Posts: 22
Points on hand: 2,699.00 Points
ok has anyone else noticed that you can see the seams of the "sky box"? Pics:
its hard to see in those pics, but if you can see them then you might know what i mean. did i do sumtin wrong. how do i fix this?

Post October 1st, 2004, 4:05 pm

Posts: 2260
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Location: MI, USA
I never saw any of that. Might be a graphic to graphic card thing.

Post October 1st, 2004, 4:43 pm

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Yeah I can see the corners and edges too.

IMO, the enviroments had gone down in quality with the 1.5 update.

Post October 1st, 2004, 8:46 pm

Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Yes. I have noticed these borders, and so has the NL design team. randaltgenxr, the envionment and tree creator for 1.5, has created a new default environment called "47.1", which contains fixed skyboxes as well as some more really cool scenery features such as larger, fuller trees (finally!), and grass textures. Here is the download link if you wish to download it.

I personally highly reccomend this environment. It is my new default environment, and I will be using it with my coasters for some time to come.

originally posted by randaltgenxr


I'm sure most of you know how to do this but I will go into detail for those that don't or have trouble.

Double-click on the zip file to open it:

You should see one folder titled "NLv1.5 revisions"

Double-click that folder to reveal another folder titled "47.1" and two environment files titled "47.1 fog disabled" and "47.1 fog enabled"

In the menu click "edit" "select all" or ctrl+A

Again click "edit" and then "copy" or ctrl+c

Open up Windows Explorer or just right click on the Start button and choose "Explore"

Navigate to your No Limits folder and click on it to expand it until the "Environments" folder is visible (It is not necessary to open the environments folder)

Now right click on the "environments" folder and in the drop-down menu choose "paste"

The revision is now installed properly...


...The skybox that is the new default skybox for v1.5
...2 Different cloud layers than the default for v1.5
...2 Grass textures to take the place of the Autumn Elm and Bamboo
...Default trees and new grasses are sized properly
...2D grass texture to better compliment the foliage
...2 versions of this environment, one with fog and one without

Since I am responsible for the foliage and sky I just thought I would share with you the way these things were intended to look.

Foliage resizing for proper scale:

The most obvious will be the trees resized. They are still the same trees but much larger and fuller looking. It won't take half as many to fill an area when using these enviro's versus the new default. Some will be noticeably taller than others (as they should be and are in nature). NL does this already to some extent, it's just that with these, certain types are always taller or smaller than others. For example: currently in v1.5 the maple is just as tall as the fir tree. Sorry, but this just ain't so in nature, so this is what you'll see when using these enviro's, as the mature fir as a whole will always be taller than the mature maple.

Fluffy clouds:

These are the clouds I think look the best. I liked the way the cumulus cloud shadowing came out because they look more full and 3-dimensional than the current clouds. The second layer is a stratus or cirrus type layer that is more like the old default clouds. Together I think they are just more interesting than the current ones and I thought you might like them better as well.

The grass is always greener:

I chose to add these because I think they are more beneficial than the autumn elm and bamboo(which I really didn't do that good a job on) and I wish the grasses had made in for this release.

the Autumn Elm is just so out of place with everything else that IMO you can't really pull off an autumn scene with only one tree showing
color. You really need at least three or four different colors to really give the feeling of autumn...but that's just my opion.

The bamboo is just kinda bleh and I thought having another kind of grass would be of far more use.

I hope you enjoy the new scenery in NL as I had a pleasure making it!


Post October 1st, 2004, 9:01 pm

Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Here are some screenshots from the new environment to show you how great it looks. Notice just how real the new trees look, and the effect of the 2-level clouds.

Here is a picture of the new skybox.

Image Insert:
27.58 KB

Here is a picture of the new trees put to fantastic use in this case in my upcoming coaster, The Rockler 2, to create a forest effect.

Image Insert:
86.89 KB

Here is another picture of the new fir trees, only this time without the track in the picture.

Image Insert:
87.18 KB

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