After being away from No Limits for some years now, I'm attempting to get back with a recreation of Tennessee Tornado at Dollywood. I've never ridden this coaster myself so I have to go off of images. But here's what I got so far:
Last edited by PvM on December 18th, 2017, 3:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.
ahhh good old Tennessee Tornado... I remember I took a crack at it a while back as well. From what I can see it looks pretty good, there seems to be some shaping that can be fixed but I am assuming this is still a heavy WIP. keep it up!
Same as what Blase said, only addition is to change the color of the track (use the pipette tool while looking at a picture with lighting about the same as yours in a close and well-lit range).
I'm not brand new to NL2 so ignore how many posts I have atm, I post a lot other places :)
Could you provide a POV video of your work so far? I think that'd help us to comment on the shapings - then we can ask for further pictures of specific parts of the track
Looking much better... Colors still are not quite there just yet, keep messing around with them to get a bit more of a washed brown look. As far as shaping take a look at your loops versus the real life ride. To help and what I do at times is I pull up pictures of the given area that needs to be worked on while working in Nl2 for a side by side and it helps a lot more than you may think also watch POV's of the ride in comparison to yours and notice even the slightest of details and that should help you out quite a bit. You could also look for testers where you send the file to and they give you feedback and advice on each section that would potentially need to be tweaked.
Alright, I tweaked the track some more, comparing it to images and videos and I'm quite happy with the result and at this point it's pretty accurate. Here's another batch of images:
At this point I'm willing to send this to some testers so if you're interested, send me a pm.
Love the amazing last pictures! Considering that this is a recreation we have to be insanely precise to real details.
About the first loop:I think you are very close to reach the weird,primitive shape of this Arrow element. I remember when I rode it that the way up and the way down were "banked"!!!!!!
Love the amazing last pictures! Considering that this is a recreation we have to be insanely precise to real details.
About the first loop:I think you are very close to reach the weird,primitive shape of this Arrow element. I remember when I rode it that the way up and the way down were "banked"!!!!!!
The turn after the giant loop is not heartlined.
Thank's for the feedback barone. I knew about the odd banking on the loop and the overbanked turn. Here are some images for comparison:
@mkingy: You're right. I I took the screenshot too far back on the track. I adjusted the track here slightly and corrected the tie spacing to be similar to the real thing.
I am working on the station at the moment so progress is slow. Here are some teasers:
It's hard to say just how accurate the track is just from the pictures, but this is looking really great. If you keep up the attention to detail as you've shown in the station and supports, we're in for a wonderful recreation. I don't see it being addressed here, but I did notice a small discontinuity in the first loop. On the real ride there's an odd 'wiggle' throughout the loop. It banks more to the left than you might think it should, then banks more to the right than you think it should. See video:
It's hard to say just how accurate the track is just from the pictures, but this is looking really great. If you keep up the attention to detail as you've shown in the station and supports, we're in for a wonderful recreation. I don't see it being addressed here, but I did notice a small discontinuity in the first loop. On the real ride there's an odd 'wiggle' throughout the loop. It banks more to the left than you might think it should, then banks more to the right than you think it should. See video:
Thanks Frank! I can assure you that I'm aware of the wiggle and that I incorporated it in the loop. It's the result of a the Z shape when you look at it from above instead of the usual S.
The last couple of days I worked on learning some basic scripting and I made a script that opens and closes my custom gates in the station: