Oh 2006... best year of my life hehehehehe.
Wait, can somebody help me? Is the user I'm looking for 'jan'? The account doesn't seem to be here anymore. The member that made that really beautiful red Intamin giga-possibly-strata that was really long and spanned the entire editor? I thought it had like Millennium in the name. This same member uploaded this REALLY great Intamin accelerator that was also red and had like a skull in it and a bunch of 3Ds and a cool double zero g roll... I was pretty sure it was jan. They had so many good epic coasters.
Anyway, I'll add a few
My List
Kamikaze by drummerkid, because Kamikaze.
Hyperion by Tyler, for obvious reasons.
Call of the Mastodon by ish, still one of the greatest terrain woodies ever.
Thunderhead Falls, I have no idea where that track is anymore haha