hey everyone, this is a video i made of my favourite carnival rides at the eastershow! please watch it and comment. also tell me what you think. thanks. seeya!
Nice video with some neat rides! I remember a fair by me having the Skywalker (aka. Tango) once, but at the time I was too chicken to ride it. Then a year or so later the truck hauling the ride got into an accident and destroyed the ride.
I was very badly ill during and after a "techno jump" once, although the one i went on was called Bounce. I got very dizzy, blurred vision, then black outs. I felt nauscious for the rest of the day...
I got told it was due to me not eating and drinking enough...
^ Alton, that might actually be true. If I get on Raptor, or wicked twister (or just anything with a lot of twists) without eating or staying hydrated, I get a little sick, followed by headaches and such. I have to make sure I eat a fat bowl of chicken fingers first.
cool video, I have never seen any of those rides, that Techno Jump looks the best though, looks like it would be lots of fun! thanks for posting the video!