Originally posted by cjd
"Maverick" at Cedar Point. I knew it would be good, but I didn't know it would be THAT good. The first time I went down that first drop in the back, I just about had a heart attack! But what really surprised me was the launch. I figured "meh, 70 mph LIM launch, no big deal." But that thing hauled ass out that tunnel, and it felt like it was going about 90. And I was completely not ready for the whip in those Stengel dives. Heck, that whole ride beat the pants off of me. It still surprises me every time I ride it. There's no way to prepare for those turns and that airtime.
I would make up my own description of the surprising factors of that ride but you covered them. My experience was even better because it was raining! The turnaround into the water pumps is my favorite part of the whole ride.