WHEW! Work>Cedar Point>Back to work
Yesterday was a long day X___X
Luckily I got off early so before I crash into a slumber coma.. DAS PICS!!!
Cedar Point had team members lined up the entire day passing out boxes of Mantis Merch for free to all who got their last stand in. The best of which was this button pin! All free!!!

May you enjoy your new life as a French Werewolf
For those that haven't been on one, it's hard to describe the set up for a stand-up coaster. And the internet images make it hard to tell how the seats look so I snagged a few shots
if you look close your can see the whole seat arrangement slides up and down along the orangish-reddish-melonish spine to adjust for height. Thi makes it take forever to load as they have to keep locking and relocking them to adjust for rider comforts and silliness.

Man I'm going to miss ever hearing that roar again Oh wait...

Looking quite sexy with da new colors

For most of it

Whatever they did to that third train... I'm sure it wished it had a rape whistle :X

wonder how many drums of paint they used...

Way to environment btw

Wonder how much the fish ate...

More to come after a spot of rest. 14hrs of work divided by Cedar Point equals exhaustion!