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The debate on Drugs Continue

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Post September 10th, 2008, 7:18 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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with this article ... Drugs.aspx

It touches on some good topics and ideas. But here's a scenerio I was pondering:What if we legalized all drugs and used tax money normally used to fight the war on drugs, and instead started using that money for treating people with addictions? I would imagine there would be an influx of users at first, though within a decade or less the usage would balance out. We could see tweakers and coke heads receiving the help they really need instead of tossed around the endless cycle of drug abuse.

Post September 10th, 2008, 7:31 pm

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I personally think the only drug that should be legalized is [CENSORED WORD]. The rest can screw off.

Post September 10th, 2008, 8:15 pm

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Here's an idea I had, Due to my mother being a massive alcoholic to the point of near death (still is), i think a "drinking license" would be great. The idea is simple. All you do is present your License ID when purchasing alcohol, The card is scanned, and if your record is clean, you're good. However, if you have a violation, like a DUI, they can suspend or completely revoke your license depending on the severity of your crime, so chronic alcoholics cannot purchase booze.

Post September 10th, 2008, 8:37 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Indeed. I could see them implementing something where they actually have to scan your id at a store in order to legally sell and process the sales of alchohol.

Although they might have to perform different checks for night clubs as it's just not realistic to scan and check every person at the bar. maybe scanning people before they actually enter? idk..

Post September 10th, 2008, 8:49 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by Canadmos

I personally think the only drug that should be legalized is [CENSORED WORD]. The rest can screw off.

precisely, OR they can make meth legal, but poison it.. i f**kING hate tweakers. i'll help them.. i'll drive around in a big bus that says "free metallica concert, free meth" and once it's loaded i'll set it on fire and push it over a cliff..

Post September 11th, 2008, 2:17 am

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Originally posted by tmv8888

Here's an idea I had, Due to my mother being a massive alcoholic to the point of near death (still is), i think a "drinking license" would be great. The idea is simple. All you do is present your License ID when purchasing alcohol, The card is scanned, and if your record is clean, you're good. However, if you have a violation, like a DUI, they can suspend or completely revoke your license depending on the severity of your crime, so chronic alcoholics cannot purchase booze.

Yea, but it's not that hard for someone to say, "hey mister," or just call up a friend. These things are just never going to end, and some people just don't realize it. No matter how hard you try, it's going to keep going as long as the world is alive.

Post September 11th, 2008, 6:39 am

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Originally posted by coolbeans326

Although they might have to perform different checks for night clubs as it's just not realistic to scan and check every person at the bar. maybe scanning people before they actually enter? idk..

A night club i go to scans every persons ID when they enter, for different purposes though. For example if they have been barred before, when the ID is scanned it shows up and they are thrown out.

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