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The Disclosure Project (MIND BLOWING VIDEO!)

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:19 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:21 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:23 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:24 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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There is an "edit" button so your posts by clicking the "edit" button, and add on to your post there instead of making a new post entirely. Now I will explain to you how your ideas are biased.

Biased ????????? In this case, it is being used as an adjective
Marked by or exhibiting bias; prejudiced

No matter what people say, no matter how much more logical, and how much more evidence there is supporting their ideas, you still think that ET?????????s are visiting and watching earth????????????????????????????????????

Guitarplayer673 said?????????.
Originally posted by guitarplayer673

Stopping at 17,000 mph killing you has nothing to do with gravity, it's momentum. If the ship you're in suddenly stops, your body is still going 17,000 mph, or, if you're strapped in, your body will stop and your internal organs will still be going 17,000 mph. Either way its just not possible to survive. Like Edge said, it's like hitting a concrete wall.

You responded with
Originally posted by Farley

Originally posted by guitarplayer673

Stopping at 17,000 mph killing you has nothing to do with gravity, it's momentum. If the ship you're in suddenly stops, your body is still going 17,000 mph, or, if you're strapped in, your body will stop and your internal organs will still be going 17,000 mph. Either way its just not possible to survive. Like Edge said, it's like hitting a concrete wall.

Here I found a site--

"According to many physicists, it would not only drive the vehicle, it would also eliminate mass-inertial effects on the vehicle and the crew! This would mean unlimited accelerations in any direction including small-radius turns. For a tight turn, a force field would exactly counterbalance the centrifugal force so that neither the vehicle nor the passengers would be subject to uncomfortable strains."

You used a source to site credibility in this. But being a site with no credentials what so ever to back up this theory, it can not be held as even the least bit reliable. It was written by some random guy who doesn't have any proof at all about his theory. The theories discussed on that site are nothing more than science fiction. An idea that's not possible.
P.S, it's a tripod web hosting site; not a high chance there is any real fact backing it up.

You said.

Originally posted by Farley

Originally posted by guitarplayer673

As much as the idea of aliens interests me, nothing I saw in that video was very good proof of anything (I watched for about 20-30 minutes). There was no video in it or anything else that would make me believe what they are saying, just people talking about it. I certainly don't think that we are alone in the universe, but the idea that an alien civilation has been "observing" earth for the last 50 years seems pretty crazy to me. I also don't think that the government would try to cover something like this up, there's not really any reason to, as far as I can see.

There is no "hard evidence" in that video, but I see no reason for these people to make up these stories. Almost all of those stories can be backed up by hard evidence, they just didn't show it in that video, they mentioned several times that they were short on time. Several of the witnesses had radar data, one had recorded a UFO moving at 17,000 miles/hour, and several other witnesses had videos or pictures. The reason I believe their stories is because these people come from very high up jobs in the military or government, one man mentioned that his position was one step above top seret or something, so these are no "farmer gettting abducted by aliens" stories. That's just my opinion, it is perfectly normal to be skeptical about this.

So basically, all of these stories can be backed up by hard evidence, yet we have seen no hard evidence. Where are the government documents that support this, where are the non duped pictures? The authentic video tapes of aliens crashing down to earth?

Now here is where your biased opinion actually starts to show?????????..

You said
Originally posted by Farley

Originally posted by Real

Also, how is it that the government covers up ALL known "contact" ? I find that to be the most unlikly part. I highly doubt that its ALL covered up which leads me to believe there isnt any activity.

It doesnt make logical sense that these super intelligent beings that have created some incredible space travel would be dumb enough to only ever land or coexist with OUR government or for that matter, any government. Wouldnt you, as an alien race, want to interact with the people at some point and how would you just plop down first try and each time you plop down be covered up by the gov?

Its the fact that they say theres all of this incredible evidence but...they cant show us that just makes me think they dont exist or if they do, they havent come here.

However, there is alot of unexplained things that go on but its no matter to me. More important issues to deal with than crop circles and alien sitings, etc.

It is logical to be skeptical about these kind of things, since there is yet to be any convincing physical evidence released to the public, you just have to go by your gut feeling and by what evidence has been provided.

I really doubt that our government is actually communicating with aliens, I think it would be more like cleaning up crashes and hiding it from the public to avoid panic. Plus our government is not the only government that covers up any UFO related incidents, pretty much every countries government, except maybe some third world countries, hide anything related to UFOs or aliens from the public. You can't assume that aliens think or act like humans, so you really can't assume that they would want to interact with us. If it were me, yes I would want to communicate, but they are an entirely different species so nobody really knows what their intentions are. If they have the technology to get here, they obviously aren't dumb, maybe they hide from us because they have experienced what can happen when a once isolated species makes their first alien contact on their own planet, and maybe it wasn't a good experience. Maybe they come here for the sole puprpose of studying us and learning more about the universe and life on other planets, even though there is evidence that they are interested in our weapons and our hostility towards them, so maybe their goal is to disarm us to insure their safety. I don't know, Im just thowin some ideas out there.

Real Responded with

Originally posted by Real

They are interested in our weapons? What, do you work for the CIA now?

Its not so much skeptisism but more logic. Remember the question I posed - How come that all useful data is and has fallen into the hands of the Government? Isnt it strange or coincedental that it never falls into the hands of someone who can tell people about it?

I really dont think that the governments of the world have been 100% effective on cover ups. I dont think its possible to be at every crash scene on a moments notice to gather up the data and stuff and wisk it away. Its just not possible since I doubt these crafts show up on radar (or so I would hope since they are so advanced) and whats the worst they could do to you, kill you if you squealed? You could easily pawn the evidence off and jump the country if that were the case.

My gut feelings tell me not to care. Is there? Isnt there? It matters not to me. If they do, cool. I side with no, they dont. Its not that theres any evidence its that theres more supportive evidence that its all in our heads than anything. Its the fascination with "whats out there" and anything will feed our imaginations.

You rebutted with

Originally posted by Farley

Originally posted by Real

They are interested in our weapons? What, do you work for the CIA now?

Its not so much skeptisism but more logic. Remember the question I posed - How come that all useful data is and has fallen into the hands of the Government? Isnt it strange or coincedental that it never falls into the hands of someone who can tell people about it?

I really dont think that the governments of the world have been 100% effective on cover ups. I dont think its possible to be at every crash scene on a moments notice to gather up the data and stuff and wisk it away. Its just not possible since I doubt these crafts show up on radar (or so I would hope since they are so advanced) and whats the worst they could do to you, kill you if you squealed? You could easily pawn the evidence off and jump the country if that were the case.

My gut feelings tell me not to care. Is there? Isnt there? It matters not to me. If they do, cool. I side with no, they dont. Its not that theres any evidence its that theres more supportive evidence that its all in our heads than anything. Its the fascination with "whats out there" and anything will feed our imaginations.

There is evidence that they are interested in our weapons, that is one of the main reasons that the Disclosure Project was formed. UFOs do show up on radar, yes they are probably extremely advanced, but radar is a human invention so aliens might not know that they are being tracked. If there is anything at all in the air above America, the government knows about it and tracks it. If there is an unidentifed flying object (UFO), meaning something in the air that is not authorized to be there, it is picked up on radar and the government tracks it, if it crashes, the government knows exactly where it is. Most UFO crashes occur around military bases and are extremly rare. Our government in particular, has not been 100% effective on covering up evidence since there are thousands of Americans that claim to have seen a UFO every year, and then there are the few that claim to have pieces of flying saucers or have been abducted, but society just says they are crazy and leaves it at that, but I do think that most of them are crazy.

You cited that ALL UFO crashes happened around military bases, thus giving easy access for Government cover ups, which then leads me to my next question, if they are so rare, what is the chance of them crashing next to a Military base? It's basically next to nothing. You also never used any real physical evidence or accounts of any events. You basically just said something off the top of your head. You aren?????????t providing any real evidence, and even though we (the aliens have not visited earth group) have provided much more evidence (your lack of evidence) you still seem to think that aliens are visiting and studying out earth. So without any real evidence to back your theories, it is just a biased opinion, a fact that's not true that you seem to think is.
Let me put it into perspective. Let us say that I think all white people are stupid, yet there is no evidence to support that, but I think it anyways contrary to what facts show us, or I just think it automatically based off of 1 or 2 personal experiences, or what my friend says. This is a prejudice or bias.
Another example would go something like this?????????. I go up to my friend Jimbo and say, ?????????Hey White People are ignorant.????????? And Jimbo says, ?????????Why?????????? Then I say, ?????????because they are,????????? or I decided to say ?????????because I talked to John Deer over there, and he said they were ignorant, so I think all white folk are ignorant????????? And so I automatically think it, no matter what you say otherwise. That?????????s basically what your biased is with aliens visiting earth. All though it is of a different context, it's the same basic idea. Your ?????????so and so said on a documentary that they saw aliens and they were part of the cover up????????? and that's my evidence is basically like my ?????????because I talked to John Deer and he said so.????????? All of it is hearsay. And the lack of evidence of alien visitations is our proof that they?????????ve never even come close, along with a lot of scenically proven theories that say light speed travel is impossible. So that is how we can say they have not visited earth, with out being declared biased, as actual evidence points to that. And all your evidence is in fact not evidence at all, but just what you want to believe.
I think I've made my point, and I do hope you take not of the very first thing I said in this post, as it's the most important part of what I said. Your posting to much, and it makes the thread look cluttered with multiple posts, and it's a lot more organized when its all in one post. If some one says something new below you, then you can make a new post for that, but other wise just add onto your existing one.

PS. Jackizle, thanks for sharing your faggitness with us. I could care less about what you do in the privacy of your own home, but feel free not to share your gay porn with us.

Post February 4th, 2006, 1:24 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Ok that picture was totally not needed.
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post February 4th, 2006, 1:25 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:26 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:26 am

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Originally posted by coolbeans326

There is an "edit" button so your posts by clicking the "edit" button, and add on to your post there instead of making a new post entirely. Now I will explain to you how your ideas are biased.

Biased ????????? In this case, it is being used as an adjective
Marked by or exhibiting bias; prejudiced

No matter what people say, no matter how much more logical, and how much more evidence there is supporting their ideas, you still think that ET?????????s are visiting and watching earth????????????????????????????????????

Guitarplayer673 said?????????.
Originally posted by guitarplayer673

Stopping at 17,000 mph killing you has nothing to do with gravity, it's momentum. If the ship you're in suddenly stops, your body is still going 17,000 mph, or, if you're strapped in, your body will stop and your internal organs will still be going 17,000 mph. Either way its just not possible to survive. Like Edge said, it's like hitting a concrete wall.

You responded with
Originally posted by Farley

[quote]Originally posted by guitarplayer673

Stopping at 17,000 mph killing you has nothing to do with gravity, it's momentum. If the ship you're in suddenly stops, your body is still going 17,000 mph, or, if you're strapped in, your body will stop and your internal organs will still be going 17,000 mph. Either way its just not possible to survive. Like Edge said, it's like hitting a concrete wall.

Here I found a site--

"According to many physicists, it would not only drive the vehicle, it would also eliminate mass-inertial effects on the vehicle and the crew! This would mean unlimited accelerations in any direction including small-radius turns. For a tight turn, a force field would exactly counterbalance the centrifugal force so that neither the vehicle nor the passengers would be subject to uncomfortable strains."

You used a source to site credibility in this. But being a site with no credentials what so ever to back up this theory, it can not be held as even the least bit reliable. It was written by some random guy who doesn't have any proof at all about his theory. The theories discussed on that site are nothing more than science fiction. An idea that's not possible.
P.S, it's a tripod web hosting site; not a high chance there is any real fact backing it up.

You said.

Originally posted by Farley

Originally posted by guitarplayer673

As much as the idea of aliens interests me, nothing I saw in that video was very good proof of anything (I watched for about 20-30 minutes). There was no video in it or anything else that would make me believe what they are saying, just people talking about it. I certainly don't think that we are alone in the universe, but the idea that an alien civilation has been "observing" earth for the last 50 years seems pretty crazy to me. I also don't think that the government would try to cover something like this up, there's not really any reason to, as far as I can see.

There is no "hard evidence" in that video, but I see no reason for these people to make up these stories. Almost all of those stories can be backed up by hard evidence, they just didn't show it in that video, they mentioned several times that they were short on time. Several of the witnesses had radar data, one had recorded a UFO moving at 17,000 miles/hour, and several other witnesses had videos or pictures. The reason I believe their stories is because these people come from very high up jobs in the military or government, one man mentioned that his position was one step above top seret or something, so these are no "farmer gettting abducted by aliens" stories. That's just my opinion, it is perfectly normal to be skeptical about this.

So basically, all of these stories can be backed up by hard evidence, yet we have seen no hard evidence. Where are the government documents that support this, where are the non duped pictures? The authentic video tapes of aliens crashing down to earth?

Now here is where your biased opinion actually starts to show?????????..

You said
Originally posted by Farley

Originally posted by Real

Also, how is it that the government covers up ALL known "contact" ? I find that to be the most unlikly part. I highly doubt that its ALL covered up which leads me to believe there isnt any activity.

It doesnt make logical sense that these super intelligent beings that have created some incredible space travel would be dumb enough to only ever land or coexist with OUR government or for that matter, any government. Wouldnt you, as an alien race, want to interact with the people at some point and how would you just plop down first try and each time you plop down be covered up by the gov?

Its the fact that they say theres all of this incredible evidence but...they cant show us that just makes me think they dont exist or if they do, they havent come here.

However, there is alot of unexplained things that go on but its no matter to me. More important issues to deal with than crop circles and alien sitings, etc.

It is logical to be skeptical about these kind of things, since there is yet to be any convincing physical evidence released to the public, you just have to go by your gut feeling and by what evidence has been provided.

I really doubt that our government is actually communicating with aliens, I think it would be more like cleaning up crashes and hiding it from the public to avoid panic. Plus our government is not the only government that covers up any UFO related incidents, pretty much every countries government, except maybe some third world countries, hide anything related to UFOs or aliens from the public. You can't assume that aliens think or act like humans, so you really can't assume that they would want to interact with us. If it were me, yes I would want to communicate, but they are an entirely different species so nobody really knows what their intentions are. If they have the technology to get here, they obviously aren't dumb, maybe they hide from us because they have experienced what can happen when a once isolated species makes their first alien contact on their own planet, and maybe it wasn't a good experience. Maybe they come here for the sole puprpose of studying us and learning more about the universe and life on other planets, even though there is evidence that they are interested in our weapons and our hostility towards them, so maybe their goal is to disarm us to insure their safety. I don't know, Im just thowin some ideas out there.

Real Responded with

Originally posted by Real

They are interested in our weapons? What, do you work for the CIA now?

Its not so much skeptisism but more logic. Remember the question I posed - How come that all useful data is and has fallen into the hands of the Government? Isnt it strange or coincedental that it never falls into the hands of someone who can tell people about it?

I really dont think that the governments of the world have been 100% effective on cover ups. I dont think its possible to be at every crash scene on a moments notice to gather up the data and stuff and wisk it away. Its just not possible since I doubt these crafts show up on radar (or so I would hope since they are so advanced) and whats the worst they could do to you, kill you if you squealed? You could easily pawn the evidence off and jump the country if that were the case.

My gut feelings tell me not to care. Is there? Isnt there? It matters not to me. If they do, cool. I side with no, they dont. Its not that theres any evidence its that theres more supportive evidence that its all in our heads than anything. Its the fascination with "whats out there" and anything will feed our imaginations.

You rebutted with

Originally posted by Farley

Originally posted by Real

They are interested in our weapons? What, do you work for the CIA now?

Its not so much skeptisism but more logic. Remember the question I posed - How come that all useful data is and has fallen into the hands of the Government? Isnt it strange or coincedental that it never falls into the hands of someone who can tell people about it?

I really dont think that the governments of the world have been 100% effective on cover ups. I dont think its possible to be at every crash scene on a moments notice to gather up the data and stuff and wisk it away. Its just not possible since I doubt these crafts show up on radar (or so I would hope since they are so advanced) and whats the worst they could do to you, kill you if you squealed? You could easily pawn the evidence off and jump the country if that were the case.

My gut feelings tell me not to care. Is there? Isnt there? It matters not to me. If they do, cool. I side with no, they dont. Its not that theres any evidence its that theres more supportive evidence that its all in our heads than anything. Its the fascination with "whats out there" and anything will feed our imaginations.

There is evidence that they are interested in our weapons, that is one of the main reasons that the Disclosure Project was formed. UFOs do show up on radar, yes they are probably extremely advanced, but radar is a human invention so aliens might not know that they are being tracked. If there is anything at all in the air above America, the government knows about it and tracks it. If there is an unidentifed flying object (UFO), meaning something in the air that is not authorized to be there, it is picked up on radar and the government tracks it, if it crashes, the government knows exactly where it is. Most UFO crashes occur around military bases and are extremly rare. Our government in particular, has not been 100% effective on covering up evidence since there are thousands of Americans that claim to have seen a UFO every year, and then there are the few that claim to have pieces of flying saucers or have been abducted, but society just says they are crazy and leaves it at that, but I do think that most of them are crazy.

You cited that ALL UFO crashes happened around military bases, thus giving easy access for Government cover ups, which then leads me to my next question, if they are so rare, what is the chance of them crashing next to a Military base? It's basically next to nothing. You also never used any real physical evidence or accounts of any events. You basically just said something off the top of your head. You aren?????????t providing any real evidence, and even though we (the aliens have not visited earth group) have provided much more evidence (your lack of evidence) you still seem to think that aliens are visiting and studying out earth. So without any real evidence to back your theories, it is just a biased opinion, a fact that's not true that you seem to think is.
Let me put it into perspective. Let us say that I think all white people are stupid, yet there is no evidence to support that, but I think it anyways contrary to what facts show us, or I just think it automatically based off of 1 or 2 personal experiences, or what my friend says. This is a prejudice or bias.
Another example would go something like this?????????. I go up to my friend Jimbo and say, ?????????Hey White People are ignorant.????????? And Jimbo says, ?????????Why?????????? Then I say, ?????????because they are,????????? or I decided to say ?????????because I talked to John Deer over there, and he said they were ignorant, so I think all white folk are ignorant????????? And so I automatically think it, no matter what you say otherwise. That?????????s basically what your biased is with aliens visiting earth. All though it is of a different context, it's the same basic idea. Your ?????????so and so said on a documentary that they saw aliens and they were part of the cover up????????? and that's my evidence is basically like my ?????????because I talked to John Deer and he said so.????????? All of it is hearsay. And the lack of evidence of alien visitations is our proof that they?????????ve never even come close, along with a lot of scenically proven theories that say light speed travel is impossible. So that is how we can say they have not visited earth, with out being declared biased, as actual evidence points to that. And all your evidence is in fact not evidence at all, but just what you want to believe.
I think I've made my point, and I do hope you take not of the very first thing I said in this post, as it's the most important part of what I said. Your posting to much, and it makes the thread look cluttered with multiple posts, and it's a lot more organized when its all in one post. If some one says something new below you, then you can make a new post for that, but other wise just add onto your existing one.

GOOD explanation!!!! you got me there! NICleY DonE!!

Post February 4th, 2006, 1:26 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:27 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:27 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^^ you didn't even read it. And at least spent more time than I would have liked on it.[lol]

Post February 4th, 2006, 1:28 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:28 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:28 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:29 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:30 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:30 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:30 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:31 am

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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:31 am

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n,.zdhuuuruighrerigerg456er64gh6s54tyh8w889q7r9g8aed6b464D6BGF4ASR6JN464hsry6j6g4sd6ty48i75r8678960-]'op';uljk,mfyghvb g sr th tthsrthtrh

Post February 4th, 2006, 1:31 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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next person to respond after me is a faggit, and will petition for thier banning.

Post February 4th, 2006, 1:32 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Cocaine is expensive :(
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post February 4th, 2006, 1:32 am

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Hello guys. I'm posting on behalf of Jakizle who has no idea how that picture got posted. If an Admin or Mod reads this please contact Jakizle at indaclutch1321 on AIM and get this ironed out.

Post February 4th, 2006, 1:32 am

Posts: 175
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Post February 4th, 2006, 1:33 am

Posts: 175
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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Cocaine is expensive :(

you can snort dust like me and the homies at papa johns


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