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The Future Of Six Flags Magic Mountain Confirmed

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Post March 20th, 2009, 7:35 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Hmmmm someone is a crankypants. I'm not saying they'll never get an intamin, I'm just saying it's rather unlikely.

When a product requires you to purchase a bunch of unplanned crap to get it going, you generally will buy something else next time around. All of SFMM's B&M coasters have not been a problem at all, hence they have numerous B&M products.

All of the GIB's purchased by Six Flags required extensive and expensive modifications and gave the parks bad PR. Notice how nobody has bought anymore new GIB's since the three Deja Vu's and the Stunt Fall fiasco.

I'm just saying that unless there has been a huge shift in the park's management I'd bet people remember stuff like how difficult it was to deal with Superman and won't be interested in another Intamin product.

And I'm sorry if you're all puffy over the ride being screwed up before opening, but Tower Of Terror in Australia opened months before Superman, which means Superman wasn't the first of its kind. SFMM likes to advertise firsts (I've seen Batman as the first inverted coaster on TV when SFGAm's was), but this is another case of them being full of it.

It's like expecting someone who bought a Ford Pinto to buy a Ford Taurus when they could instead get numerous other cars.
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Post March 20th, 2009, 7:45 pm

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I take offense to that sociology comment Coasterkidmwm... Thats what i'm minoring in, thank you very much![:p][:p] just kidding.

Anyway.... What's with all this anger and bickering about a coaster? Is it not enough that the park is going to get a new coaster this year, and next year? Just doesn't make sense to debate and argue about it.

Post March 20th, 2009, 9:18 pm

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^Technically, they are still "getting" a new coaster this year, and RCDB says they have one planned for next year.

Coasterkidmwm, say this: You buy product A. from Company X, and you find it to be flawed, so you in turn never buy from them again, when several other customers have nothing better to do but rave about products B., I., T., S., and H. Some have even liked product A. after some slight modifications.

Just because one product didn't turn out as planned doesn't mean every product will be the same. Ever wonder why Intamin hasn't built any more reverse frefall coasters, and only pursue the reliable designs? I'm not mad, just making a point.

Post March 22nd, 2009, 4:11 pm

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Edit: There were more posts between me writing what I was going to say and reading
What are these for?

Post April 1st, 2009, 10:36 am

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Well SFMM has never stopped working with Intamin they still have to get parts for their rides from Intamin, also comfirmed at the recent WCB Tim Burkhart SFMM General Manager did confirm they were working/talking with Intamin. which could only mean that a new Intamin product is comming to the park for 2010 or 11.. The question was also asked about breaking records and the answer was quite simple ...That's what we do! So if you take what came from the horses mouth then there is possibly a record breaking Intamin in SFMMs future.

Post April 8th, 2009, 12:48 am
Turbo User avatar

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^^^ Good Theory, but all I am going to say by now is that it is pretty
unlikely. It would be nice, but the odds of it are small since the manager is
focusing on a family oriented park...

*And someone please delete the post above that spammed this topic.
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post April 8th, 2009, 2:36 am

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^Even so, there is still plenty of time inbetween Terminators opening, and the planning of a new thrill ride for family attractons to start popping up all over. Record breaking could simply be having the most coasters of any park, family and thrill rides. It could also mean having more inversions incorporated into a totally awesome layout, or a B&M with more inversions than any other B&M. There is a lot of possibilities, so I guess we will have to sit back, relax, and watch the show.


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