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The Most Dangerous Man Alive?

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Post March 27th, 2009, 7:27 am

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Originally posted by GerstlCrazy

^^Tell me when a president impresses you as well as everyone else in the country TCon [;)]

John F Kennedy and/or Ronald Reagan. [:D]

Originally posted by Z00Z3R

I don't understand why you people expect so much to have happened so fast.

*Sigh* No, I don't expect things to "happen so fast". What I expect is for Obama to take us in the direction that he SOLD us on during the campaign. He's not. He is setting himself up for a second term while never once keeping a promise he made to the American people. His answers and the flakiness of his decisions are setting our country up for failure; all the while he continues to benefit and have his butt-cheeks polished by those committed to love him no matter what.

That is the issue here, and nothing more.
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Post March 27th, 2009, 1:35 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell

What I expect is for Obama to take us in the direction that he SOLD us on during the campaign. He's not. He is setting himself up for a second term while never once keeping a promise he made to the American people. His answers and the flakiness of his decisions are setting our country up for failure...

That direction, as Obama said in his inaguration, will take tame. It will take longer than four years for us to move into a better situation.

Look at Franklin Roosevelt's approach towards solving the depression. It was heavily experimental. No one knew if his plans were going to work never-the-less if they would have any benefit.

Obama's plans are obviously derived from Roosevelt's, and these plans require the combined efforts of us, the American people, to work. But all we're doing is jumping at every opprotunity to degrade Obama.

Stop relying on the government to fix all of our problems. That's how our country leads to failure. That's how more problems arise.

Protip: FDR's plans for the depression were considered "socialist".

Post March 27th, 2009, 1:50 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
He is setting himself up for a second term while never once keeping a promise he made to the American people. His answers and the flakiness of his decisions are setting our country up for failure

And what you really mean to say is that he is expanding upon the massive failure of the previous administration, not creating.
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Post March 27th, 2009, 8:46 pm

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I understand it takes time, and I have never argued that fact. What I have argued is that it is like a ship with no rudder, and Obama is calling for more spending to speed things up. Again, without a rudder ... except this time he is using an F22 without a pilot in it.
Originally posted by Z00Z3R

Stop relying on the government to fix all of our problems. That's how our country leads to failure. That's how more problems arise.
And please tell me that the above was not meant for me. I totally against the government having any more involvement in my life than they already have. I think I have made that perfectly clear for ... oh I don't know, the last 19 years of my adult life.

Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Originally posted by TConwell
He is setting himself up for a second term while never once keeping a promise he made to the American people. His answers and the flakiness of his decisions are setting our country up for failure

And what you really mean to say is that he is expanding upon the massive failure of the previous administration, not creating.
That is not even remotely what I said, and nope its not what I meant to say so please spare me with the rhetoric, Matt. I said exactly what I meant. [:D]
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Post March 27th, 2009, 11:03 pm

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I don't know where you're getting that he's setting himself up for a second term - he himself as well as who I am assuming are "your" pundits over at Fox have said if the deficit is not cut in half at the end of his first term, he is not going to have a second term. Unless he's on a rampant self-destructive path with no interest in a second term, his administration obviously believes that this is possible.

As far as Reagan goes - the root of our current economy goes right to the heart of Reaganomics: deregulation and tax cuts on the wealthy. I believe it was a combination of the dot com bubble and to a lesser extent Bush's tax cuts because it was right around this time that we started seeing jobs shipped off to Asia. We got all these dangerous mortgages loaned out to people who weren't losers as CNBC would have you believe, but the middle class workers who had their jobs shipped off to China and Korea. We had a smaller wave of unemployment in the early 2000s, which everyone seems to forget about, but was still a sign of what was to come. While it might not have been at the hands of Reagan's administration now, the ideals are still at fault. With regulation, these jobs would still be at home, and the mortgages would be closer to fair, and we wouldn't have our current issue on as big a scale as we do.

Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter (and Bill O'riley and Sean Hannity and ...) believe that tax cuts are the answer to everything, and they are not as we have seen. I don't understand why they WOULD be at one of Obama's townhalls - I have not a constructive comment or criticism from either of them (or really any of the GOP at all) that would be in the benefit of the middle class. They say they've worked harder to earn what they have - I say BS. I'd like to see Rush Limbaugh last a full day as an iron worker or in a factory. There's something wrong when you think the only people who should benefit here are the ones that don't seem to do anything but talk about how much they hate liberals.

I'm pro-choice by the way. It's great that you have kids and you love them as any parent should, but it isn't up to you to decide what someone else does with themselves. There's a hypocrisy here that I find funny - republican's say that abortion should be illegal, but isn't that the government intervening with someone's life? But hike up the upper tax bracket 3 points and we're a communist nation. Too much government, too much control, no freedom. I'd also like to know what the stance is on rape victims - I see this question a lot but I don't ever think I've seen a clear cut response.

I don't think I hit all the points I wanted to, nor as clearly as I wanted to, but this is getting long. I'll see what kind of responses I get before I continue. I'd also like the point out that the Dow (DJI) as been up an average of 1200 points since it's lowest mark, about when the recovery plan started taking effect. It rallied even more when the administration announced the buying of bad loans so banks could start lending again, so obviously something positive is taking place here.

Post March 27th, 2009, 11:52 pm

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Good points Freddie. I stand by mine of course, but I respect yours. Thanks for taking the time.
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Post March 28th, 2009, 1:20 am

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Very well-written, Freddie. Bravo! Granted, I do think that the Reagan model could have been a huge success if it weren't for all the greed and corruption in the top levels. However, people really should have seen this coming when back in 2002, Enron was willing to blackout the whole state of California, actually killing people due to electric medical devices and heat exhaustion, just to drive up energy prices so that they could make more money. And all of Wall Street played their game even though they knew Enron was posting bogus numbers, so that they could make money too. It's that kind of greed that has brought down all of these big companies.

Post March 28th, 2009, 1:55 am

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I'm glad TConwell, I'd hope that some kid on a roller coaster messageboard with a post that just brushes on these issues wouldn't be enough to sway your ideals/values. I would be interested in seeing some response to those points though, just for the sole purpose of trying to be informed on both ends of the spectrum (I'll admit I lean to the left and watch Keith Olbermann without shame, but I try to at least understand the concepts at the other end - call it the cliched bipartisan if you will).

cjd - Yes, trickle down economics is good in theory, but on the other end of the scale, communism is good in theory and we've all seen how that turns out. Greed always outdoes good intentions. While I'm not quite sure if I believe ground up economics will truly work or it's just the next thing in line to be attempted, I will hold judgment until I see it starting to take place. I will say I am looking forward to seeing how it works in our country, as it seems to work well in Europe (call it socialism if you want, whatever. We need something different than what we've had).

It's so easy to use Clinton as my model as republicans do Reagan, but I have a hard time deciding if it was his policies that made life/the economy in the 90s better, or we were just riding the aforementioned dot com boom(bubble). I just know that for my family, my dad was making about what he makes now and my mom was making far less, yet it was much easier to "do" things than it was in the 2000s (I will say that my dad was laid off as his company as well as about 60% of his industrial park he worked in was moved to Asia, but he was lucky enough to get a job working for a friend of his doing the same things for about the same pay). Cost of living went up, pay didn't. There is no doubt in my mind that Bush had a role in this, but it's hard to decipher if things in the 90s were really as good under the surface as they appeared to be at our level.

Post March 28th, 2009, 2:03 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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And please tell me that the above was not meant for me. I totally against the government having any more involvement in my life than they already have. I think I have made that perfectly clear for ... oh I don't know, the last 19 years of my adult life.

Then why are you rallying for the government control with abortion. If you don't like it, don't practice and let other people exercise freedom.

Also like Freddie mentioned a clear stance on the rape victim thing for abortion would be nice. I too have yet to hear and actual answer for that, people usually just change the subject when you bring that up.
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Post March 28th, 2009, 2:25 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

And please tell me that the above was not meant for me. I totally against the government having any more involvement in my life than they already have. I think I have made that perfectly clear for ... oh I don't know, the last 19 years of my adult life.

Then why are you rallying for the government control with abortion. If you don't like it, don't practice and let other people exercise freedom.

Matt, I don't get it ... its like your intelligence comes and goes. I am not rallying for government control, I am saying that what is now law ought to be left alone ... most especially since it has apparently worked for how many decades now??? Once we start changing things that drive us to the basic level of moral fiber, we run the risk of really giving up independence on a national level and falling for whatever the "next big thing" is. There ought to be standards in this Nation that people can depend on; and continuing to flake on laws because some group waves a flag or gripes enough is irresponsible and highly pedantic.

Freddie, I would be happy too -- give me some time and I will this afternoon/evening; just had time to reply quick to Matt and gotta head out to run some errands.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post March 28th, 2009, 2:42 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
Matt, I don't get it ... its like your intelligence comes and goes. I am not rallying for government control, I am saying that what is now law ought to be left alone ... most especially since it has apparently worked for how many decades now???

It's government control people would like repealed, kind of like the laws that allowed slavery, denied women the right to vote etc. Old crockety pieces of crap would have said slavery has worked for decades too. Please don't be an old crockety piece of crap.

Originally posted by TConwell
Once we start changing things that drive us to the basic level of moral fiber, we run the risk of really giving up independence on a national level and falling for whatever the "next big thing" is.

That would be like supporting someone who said that Jews need to be perfected. Thankfully you've never done anything as stupid as that.

Originally posted by TConwell
There ought to be standards in this Nation that people can depend on; and continuing to flake on laws because some group waves a flag or gripes enough is irresponsible and highly pedantic.

Ever think that people think differently than you and don't let the bible run their lives? Again if you don't like it, don't exercise your freedom to do so. Same applies for gay marriage. Leave everyone else alone and try to give them a shred of happiness instead of shoving religious poop down their throats in a time of need.
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Post March 29th, 2009, 2:47 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Ever think that people think differently than you and don't let the bible run their lives? Again if you don't like it, don't exercise your freedom to do so. Same applies for gay marriage. Leave everyone else alone and try to give them a shred of happiness instead of shoving religious poop down their throats in a time of need.

I never mentioned the Bible once here, and just for the record ... you were the first person to ever do so (search the thread, you won't find it).

Listen up Matt, the laws of this land are in place ... and they seem to be working. Why change them? That is all I am saying, but you are on such a high-horse right now, seeking to start an argument with your destructive personality, that I guess you would never see/understand that.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post March 29th, 2009, 2:59 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
I never mentioned the Bible once here, and just for the record ... you were the first person to ever do so (search the thread, you won't find it).

Don't tell me all of this anti abortion crap doesn't stem from it.

People want the laws changed because of they're sick of the BS. All of this anti religious uprising in the past 10-15 years is an EFFECT of stupidity surrounding the entire country, the CAUSE of that being the religion based attempted-dictatorship affecting this country.

Still waiting of an explanation as to why you support an Anti-Semite aside from "sometimes she can be a bit of a flake".

Still waiting on a reply about the rape victim abortion stance, I'd like to hear that.

I'd also like you to reply to Freddie, or do you have one?
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Post March 29th, 2009, 3:16 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Originally posted by TConwell
I never mentioned the Bible once here, and just for the record ... you were the first person to ever do so (search the thread, you won't find it).

Don't tell me all of this anti abortion crap doesn't stem from it.

People want the laws changed because of they're sick of the BS. All of this anti religious uprising in the past 10-15 years is an EFFECT of stupidity surrounding the entire country, the CAUSE of that being the religion based attempted-dictatorship affecting this country.

Still waiting of an explanation as to why you support an Anti-Semite aside from "sometimes she can be a bit of a flake".

Still waiting on a reply about the rape victim abortion stance, I'd like to hear that.

I'd also like you to reply to Freddie, or do you have one?
Totally forgot about Freddie ... I will have to do that today.

As far as the rape issue, I'd have to be in the scenario. I cannot make predictions as to how I would feel given an idea ... but I am glad that you can read my mind ("don't tell me ...") and know what I am thinking. Since that is, you should be able to answer for me rather than asking me questions, Matt.

I am so sorry that you are so mad at God man, I really am. He still loves you though, no matter how much you lash out at Him or others who worship Him. I just wanted you to know that.
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Post March 29th, 2009, 3:33 pm

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Sorry it has taken me so long -- been a busy few days.

Originally posted by Freddie

I don't know where you're getting that he's setting himself up for a second term - he himself as well as who I am assuming are "your" pundits over at Fox have said if the deficit is not cut in half at the end of his first term, he is not going to have a second term. Unless he's on a rampant self-destructive path with no interest in a second term, his administration obviously believes that this is possible.
The Obama Administration wants what every first term administration wants ????????? a second term. He has already made comments to the fact about being in office for a ?????????long, long time????????? ????????? so yeah, that is how I can see that issue. Although the pundits are all over him, no one thought a year ago he had a shot getting near the Oval Office. It's kind of like Al Franken ever getting elected ?????????

Originally posted by Freddie

As far as Reagan goes - the root of our current economy goes right to the heart of Reaganomics: deregulation and tax cuts on the wealthy. I believe it was a combination of the dot com bubble and to a lesser extent Bush's tax cuts because it was right around this time that we started seeing jobs shipped off to Asia. We got all these dangerous mortgages loaned out to people who weren't losers as CNBC would have you believe, but the middle class workers who had their jobs shipped off to China and Korea. We had a smaller wave of unemployment in the early 2000s, which everyone seems to forget about, but was still a sign of what was to come. While it might not have been at the hands of Reagan's administration now, the ideals are still at fault. With regulation, these jobs would still be at home, and the mortgages would be closer to fair, and we wouldn't have our current issue on as big a scale as we do.
True, Reaganomics had some serious issues ????????? it was too fast and too soon. The Nation was still reeling from what Carter did to us in the 70s, and although it helped some, it hurt many. We all know that the dot com explosion is what brought in the far east as far as contract jobs, and sadly it continues today. Why? That one is simple. These other nations actually take time to educate their students and let?????????s just face it ????????? they are smarter (by populus) than the US is. And so, where there is intelligence, the jobs will follow. I am not sure where things went wrong, but right around the early 90s we just had some serious issues that like the Titanic, we had too big of a ship and too small of a rudder to turn back from.

Originally posted by Freddie

Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter (and Bill O'riley and Sean Hannity and ...) believe that tax cuts are the answer to everything, and they are not as we have seen. I don't understand why they WOULD be at one of Obama's townhalls - I have not a constructive comment or criticism from either of them (or really any of the GOP at all) that would be in the benefit of the middle class. They say they've worked harder to earn what they have - I say BS. I'd like to see Rush Limbaugh last a full day as an iron worker or in a factory. There's something wrong when you think the only people who should benefit here are the ones that don't seem to do anything but talk about how much they hate liberals.
I don't really agree that tax cuts are the answer to everything ????????? but I will stand firmly on the fact that the middle class has been taking the shank for decades now. Consider this: We pass a law to repeal asbestos use and tag onto it a 15% pay raise for the members in Congress. What do the two have to do with one another? Nothing. Same thing happened with the body armor. Congress tried to ear-mark some crap in there and it got turned down by the President, and rightfully so.

Those radio/tv folks that you mentioned seem to be the only folks willing to admit and say it publicly that we continue to get a lube job from the personnel in Washington, DC ????????? and that is why I side with them. Regardless of their beliefs on this or that issue (PAY ATTENTION TO THIS CKMWM) ... their personal beliefs DO NOT matter to me because they are not running for office) ????????? they are calling it like it is in DC and for that I applaud them.

Originally posted by Freddie

I'm pro-choice by the way. It's great that you have kids and you love them as any parent should, but it isn't up to you to decide what someone else does with themselves. There's a hypocrisy here that I find funny - republican's say that abortion should be illegal, but isn't that the government intervening with someone's life? But hike up the upper tax bracket 3 points and we're a communist nation. Too much government, too much control, no freedom. I'd also like to know what the stance is on rape victims - I see this question a lot but I don't ever think I've seen a clear cut response.
Hmmmm, you are right ????????? but you are missing something my friend. I am not deciding what others should do. I am flattered that you think I have that much influence ????????? what I am doing is merely stating how I feel. As I mentioned to Matt (CKMWM) I don't know how to answer the rape issue because I cannot propose to answer something that I have not experienced. It really is that simple for me.

Originally posted by Freddie

I don't think I hit all the points I wanted to, nor as clearly as I wanted to, but this is getting long. I'll see what kind of responses I get before I continue. I'd also like the point out that the Dow (DJI) as been up an average of 1200 points since it's lowest mark, about when the recovery plan started taking effect. It rallied even more when the administration announced the buying of bad loans so banks could start lending again, so obviously something positive is taking place here.
I appreciate the conversation my friend, thank you for taking the time.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post March 29th, 2009, 4:03 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
As far as the rape issue, I'd have to be in the scenario. I cannot make predictions as to how I would feel given an idea ... but I am glad that you can read my mind ("don't tell me ...") and know what I am thinking. Since that is, you should be able to answer for me rather than asking me questions, Matt.

Quit avoiding questions. Either you think it's justified or you don't.

Originally posted by TConwell
I am so sorry that you are so mad at God man, I really am. He still loves you though, no matter how much you lash out at Him or others who worship Him. I just wanted you to know that.

I am not mad at God, I am mad that the staggering ignorance and hypocrisy that surrounds the entire Christian religion is being forcefully shoved down everyone's throats.

You people want disclaimers put on biology books saying that everything "might not be true", but if someone requests to do the exact same thing to the Bible, it becomes "oh it's an attack on my faith". This is fair?

You people put creationist propaganda based on absolutely NOTHING into geology, biology, and chemistry book sections. Try to put a science based book in the religion section and it's another "attack on faith". This is fair?

The entire international community thinks the USA is borderline retarded because of the Christian attack on science programs, which are KINDA crucial right now, and because of the country's abysmal test scores. The worst test scores come from the southern states like Louisiana, Arizona, etc. Those areas happen to be the most religious. Compounding this problem is our last president who said "god told me to do it" when asked about the Iraq War.

People kill themselves over coming out of the closet and whole anti-gay agenda that is being constantly preached by Christianity. It's astounding and terrifying to me how John McCain could stare straight into Ellen Degeneras' eyes and tell her he wouldn't support it. All it is is denying people happiness. The fact that the country even has a gay marriage debate is pathetic. Again like I've said before, I don't see why you people can't just let other people enjoy freedom and get an ounce of happiness for once. If you don't like gay marriage, then don't let your son marry a dude if he turns out gay and let that be your own moral decision. You would have the freedom to do so.

People also accidentally kill themselves every year and suffer severe consequences for not being able to practice abortion. Underground abortion clinics will still exists no matter what you do, and I wouldn't want people going to one of those places when hey could go to a real and sterile institution to get it done right.

The world has a serious overcrowding issue, and if an accident happens it's not fair to the mother, father, and baby to have to live a crappy life as a result of it when the mother could just get an abortion a couple weeks later and not have to deal with that. If the nervous system doesn't exist then something cannot feel or know of it's existence, so I don't see a problem with killing a bag a cells. They incinerate zygotes everyday and nobody bats an eye, so I don't see why this is much different.

I'm not calling for free range anytime you want abortions, it would obviously have to be limited to whatever developmental stage is best, but I'd prefer a first trimester abortion to throwing the kid in a dumpster like so many people do.

Christianity as a whole is the world's most loud-mouthed and hypocritical religion. How you people can sleep at night knowing that Mother Teresa would be burning in hell if she was Hindu because she didn't "accept jesus into her heart" despite performing the same actions astounds me.

I was always under the impression at a young age that Jesus came to the Earth to bring everyone together and make it a more wholesome place, but now I know that all Jesus does is divide the world and create hate towards people.

Still going to avoiding justifying your support for an anti-Semite or will I get an answer this time?


Originally posted by TConwell
As I mentioned to Matt (CKMWM) I don't know how to answer the rape issue because I cannot propose to answer something that I have not experienced. It really is that simple for me.

You've experience non-rape abortion?
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Post March 29th, 2009, 5:18 pm

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The Obama Administration wants what every first term administration wants ????????? a second term. He has already made comments to the fact about being in office for a ?????????long, long time????????? ????????? so yeah, that is how I can see that issue. Although the pundits are all over him, no one thought a year ago he had a shot getting near the Oval Office. It's kind of like Al Franken ever getting elected ?????????

I agree that the administration wants a second term, as every administration sans Nixon does, but I still revert back to my first post, the point of which was that he would not be making the claims that he would not have a second term if the deficit was not cut in half by the end of his first term. If we take this half figure relative to today, it would mean that the stimulus bill would have paid for itself over the four years, which means money is flowing in the general population again. True, it would be back to square one, however if that full 788 billion figure was paid down in a matter of four years, and banks are stable and lending again, something was done right. Now, back to the quote. If the stim bill and his budget are projected failures by his staff, I don't believe these claims would be made unless they're relying on America's bad long term memory.

Now, the reasons for these Townhall meetings with the public, even if they are preselected, is to be closer to the general population and to explain these budget ideas to us in a way we can understand. If that's considered campaigning, then so be it, but I don't think the end point is just to set himself up for a second term, but rather sell his budget plans which do come across as risky but with great reward if they work. This is why I believe he's doing what he's doing.

True, Reaganomics had some serious issues ????????? it was too fast and too soon. The Nation was still reeling from what Carter did to us in the 70s, and although it helped some, it hurt many. We all know that the dot com explosion is what brought in the far east as far as contract jobs, and sadly it continues today. Why? That one is simple. These other nations actually take time to educate their students and let?????????s just face it ????????? they are smarter (by populus) than the US is. And so, where there is intelligence, the jobs will follow. I am not sure where things went wrong, but right around the early 90s we just had some serious issues that like the Titanic, we had too big of a ship and too small of a rudder to turn back from.

My original point here wasn't to tie the dot com boom with outsourcing, but rather show how giving tax cuts to CEOs just for them to ship work off to Asian countries does not work. I don't think it's because of education but more so that sweat shops are far more profitable than union factory workers here in the states.

I'm not going to touch on Carter because I don't know enough about the economy of the 70s to feel confident in what I'd be posting, but I do agree with what you said in Reagan riding Carter's policies, but Reagan's were no better in the long run. Just as you said of Carter's policies, they helped a few, but hurt many. The ideals of Reaganomics helped line the pockets of the wealthy CEOs who, as I said, just shipped our jobs overseas. When "trickle-down" stops trickling down, we have our workers not able to afford the loans they have out, and we have the banks collapse as we've seen. What amazes me is that the CEO's greed is still there even as their companies are tanking from this, case in point being the AIG bonuses. To think that giving breaks to these people is the right thing to do is just beyond me. They need to realize that without the American workers, they will have nothing. This is ground up economics, Obama's budget supports.

In the wake of the "Titanic" as you called it (see what I did there!??), Bill Clinton was able to end up with a budgeted surplus. The common misconception here which republicans are quick to point out is that we didn't actually have a surplus, but we were budgeting in the positives. This is still a huge step up from the last eight years of Bush Budget, which was loaded with earmarks and perks for big business but nothing for the middle class. Not to mention he turned Clinton's positive numbers into negatives very quickly with the war that was not even factored into the budget directly.

I don't really agree that tax cuts are the answer to everything ????????? but I will stand firmly on the fact that the middle class has been taking the shank for decades now. Consider this: We pass a law to repeal asbestos use and tag onto it a 15% pay raise for the members in Congress. What do the two have to do with one another? Nothing. Same thing happened with the body armor. Congress tried to ear-mark some crap in there and it got turned down by the President, and rightfully so.

Those radio/tv folks that you mentioned seem to be the only folks willing to admit and say it publicly that we continue to get a lube job from the personnel in Washington, DC ????????? and that is why I side with them. Regardless of their beliefs on this or that issue (PAY ATTENTION TO THIS CKMWM) ... their personal beliefs DO NOT matter to me because they are not running for office) ????????? they are calling it like it is in DC and for that I applaud them.

I do agree that Congressional pay raises are in bad taste right now. While I'd think they deserve a raise should the stim bill show significant signs of improvement (I believe that its showing signs of signs of improvement at the moment, but it's not enough just yet), I think that should be held off for the time being. However, I'm not sure where you're getting the 15% figure, as I'm seeing 2.7% here. This also says that President Bush authorized these raises, not Obama. I'm also seeing that the House passed a bill to freeze the raise in 2010 here, indicating that they are responding to the yearly raise being seeing as wasteful.

Now, my biggest problem with Republicans using the word earmark is when they list something as wasteful, it's really not wasteful, just not in their favor. It can be seen all over the stimulus bill, but the example I like to use is high speed rail. This one was shot down quite a bit starting with Bobby Jindle's response speech after President Obama's address to Congress. I see high speed rail as a poster child of what this bill represents. It puts engineers to work, it puts suppliers to work, it puts construction workers to work, it puts operators to work, it increases travel between highly populated areas thus opening up the opportunity for new jobs, and it moves the country forward technologically as a whole. So, the way I view the word earmark when coming from a Repub mostly translates to "not in our interest so we don't want it".

The pundits I mentioned be the only ones willing to talk about what isn't in their best interest thus they do not accept it. As I said, I admit I watch Keith Olbermann & co on liberal MSNBC, but I do watch Bill O and Hannity once in a while to try to understand where they come from. None of what they say makes any sense to me because all they say is what's in their best interest, not what's in the best interest of the majority of the US. When they have people on who try to challenge their views, they're talked over, or their interview is cut short. While I admit Keith is biased and rarely has people on that challenge his views, I can't see him cutting someone off just because he's losing a debate with them. It's no wonder to me why Bill and Sean are constantly featured on "Worst Persons in the World". These people's personal views do mean something to me not because they aren't running for office, but because they represent the views of their party. Rush Limbaugh was the head speaker at CPAC, I'd say that's pretty clear representation of the party.

Hmmmm, you are right ????????? but you are missing something my friend. I am not deciding what others should do. I am flattered that you think I have that much influence ????????? what I am doing is merely stating how I feel. As I mentioned to Matt (CKMWM) I don't know how to answer the rape issue because I cannot propose to answer something that I have not experienced. It really is that simple for me.

This is true that you have your own views and you're certainly entitled to them, but this still does not clear up the hypocrisy here in my opinion. I don't see how one could be all for government intervention when it's in regards to abortion, but suddenly government is too big when they're raising taxes on the wealthy 3 points. To me, this again speaks to what is in the best interest of a few, not the majority. While I don't know enough about the specifics of abortion to feel confident to have a long post about it, I do believe that when a baby can not sustain life on it's own outside the womb, it is not yet a human being. At the point where the baby can be born and be healthy with no direct complications from being born prematurely, I think this is when it goes from abortion to murder.

But the issue at hand is stemcell research, not abortion. Again, I do not know much about the subject, but I do know when aborted fetuses are just being discarded even though there is potential for research that could possibly save lives of humans, I think the research should take place. Think of it this way - if a couple who actually wanted to have a baby and it was born with a serious illness that could be cured by something found with stemcell research, you don't think this is something that should be explored?

This wasn't directed at me, but I'd like to address it:
I am not rallying for government control, I am saying that what is now law ought to be left alone ... most especially since it has apparently worked for how many decades now??? Once we start changing things that drive us to the basic level of moral fiber, we run the risk of really giving up independence on a national level and falling for whatever the "next big thing" is. There ought to be standards in this Nation that people can depend on; and continuing to flake on laws because some group waves a flag or gripes enough is irresponsible and highly pedantic.

In the words of Jon Stewart, who might just be a comedian but is a genuinely smart man, we are a nation of progression. The people trying to uphold "tradition" are upholding the wrong traditions; the tradition of the US is to progress and evolve with culture. Laws that may have worked even just 10 years ago may not be in the best interest of our people now, clearly seen by the Wall St fiasco. If we really want to uphold tradition, we will continue to move forward with the rest of the world, not stay behind.

I appreciate the conversation my friend, thank you for taking the time.

Likewise, I really enjoy talking Politics.

Post March 30th, 2009, 12:45 am

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

You've experience non-rape abortion?

Quite frankly and without ANY mental reservation I will say this VERY clearly so you don't misunderstand me: That is none of your business. Perhaps there are more things than a simple religious belief at work than you have a clue about?

Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

You people ...

Matt, your words continue to be hateful and rebellious ... and well, I am tired of defending myself from your insults and sarcastic, self-serving, innuendos. The Lord loves you, and because He does so do I ... the rest is something you have to deal with. I refuse to continue going round and round with such a troubled young man who obviously is looking for loop-holes and answers to questions geared at running in circles. It is not only tiring, but sad to continue watching.

Freddie, I will do what I can tomorrow to respond, gotta hit the sack since I am headed to the airport early in the AM for work. I will say real quick that my stats (percentages) were provided as an example only -- not as factual data meant to strengthen the argument.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post March 30th, 2009, 1:14 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
Matt, your words continue to be hateful and rebellious ... and well, I am tired of defending myself from your insults and sarcastic, self-serving, innuendos.


Originally posted by TConwell
The Lord loves you, and because He does so do I ... the rest is something you have to deal with.

So if the lord loves Hitler because Hitler is a creation then you love Hitler?

Originally posted by TConwell
Freddie, I will do what I can tomorrow to respond, gotta hit the sack since I am headed to the airport early in the AM for work. I will say real quick that my stats (percentages) were provided as an example only -- not as factual data meant to strengthen the argument.

Hmmm inventing data. Approximately 500% error is very Republican!
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Post March 30th, 2009, 8:26 am

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Freddie, What are your views on the plans to recover? Do you think it is possible to have a 4 year plan or perhaps realistically we are looking at more like a decade (or more)? Just wondering how you are viewing the forecast in this depression.

Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post March 30th, 2009, 12:43 pm

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I think it's risky as any investment is, but if successful it will have great reward. With projects like high-speed rail like I mentioned, lots of people will be put to work which should get money flowing again. While that one might be a bit more long-term, I think it serves as a good example of what the bill is all about. That said, there are many shovel ready projects going ahead. The bridge repair in Missouri happened within a week or so of the bill passing.

Shovel ready projects can be a double edge sword however, as states are reluctant to spend money that could be seen as wasteful. A good example of this can actually be tied to amusement parks, where Lake Compounce has been trying to get a road moved to be able to expand their waterpark for quite a while now. The road move was to be paid for by the state as the current road is in disrepair, and it would benefit a local college as well as the park. It would also be moving the park into a higher tax bracket as more staffing from the waterpark expansion would mean more payroll.

The governor recently canceled the approved bonds calling them a "PR nightmare" if 3 million dollars was spent moving a road to help the park. This narrow mindedness is the problem as they aren't seeing the big picture like I mentioned above: a large increase in taxes on the park, more staffing hired by the park, construction workers put to work to move the road, and most likely an increase in attendance as a result of park expansion. Here is a good article that explains the situation in much more detail, I just thought it was a good example given the site we're on.

I also think that the best thing to come out of this is giving us a reason to tackle energy. Energy has been a much more steady problem for many more years than the recent economy, or the wars, have been. "Drill baby drill" is a short term solution to a long term problem. I won't go into detail as I'm sure everyone knows the problems with fossil fuels, but I will say I believe now is the best time to take this on, because again, it puts people to work. Researchers, construction workers, operators, etc. No bad can come from that.

As for whether I think the 4 year number is realistic, I honsetly don't know, but I think we'll have a new president in 2013 if it isn't. We're only 2 months into Obama's first term, and a lot has been done already (republicans will claim spend spend spend, but again, I see it as an investment to better the country and put people to work). I'm not an economist so I can't really make a prediction as to what will happen nor in what time frame, but I am thinking the DJIA's overall increase is a positive sign.

Post April 1st, 2009, 1:09 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Way to chicken out Tcon.
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Post April 1st, 2009, 3:25 am

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has anyone noticed his middle name? i mean come on..

Post April 1st, 2009, 3:30 am

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Has anyone noticed how ignorant trying to use one's middle name in an attempt to badmouth a person is? I mean come on...

Post April 1st, 2009, 3:34 am

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