Originally posted by Cali Coaster
Cant we just script new trains in?
If you're good enough with the math then you can write a script to make an object follow the track, accelerate due to gravity, do the wheel rotation and linkage kinematics... all of that. Unfortunately, until the API is more fleshed out, custom trains will be functionally inferior to built-in ones because they won't be able to respond to track types and settings (ie. brakes, transfers, transports, station handler and e-stop commands, etc). The good news is that Ole is constantly expanding the library of methods available in the API. And so as programmers become more sophisticated with their scripts, developing the need for more functionality, he'll be able to add it.
Originally posted by Knexrule11
Ah yes, that was probably it. Although it probably is the same issue with Wingriders
The B&M Wing train is going to get done eventually, but not for launch. It can take several months for us to put together an entirely new train style from scratch and we just simply don't have the time. We actually put a halt on new train styles long ago, doing only a few contracts for our industry partners since then. We're happy to say at least those contracts will make it into the sim. The official count now is 37 styles... so yeah... Sufficed to say have a few surprises left in store. [:)]