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The Redline Challenge

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Post March 27th, 2005, 5:47 pm

Posts: 15
Points on hand: 2,556.00 Points
The Redline Challenge- This tough challenge tests your building skills to the max. Those who like to make flat no banking coasters your in luck...

Redline Challenge rules-
-during the ride there can't be any red gees
-the highest banking you can use is 10 degrees
-use a steel looping coaster, a corkskrew coaster, any of the wooden coasters, an LIM launch coaster, Gerstlauer Euro Fighter, or Vakoma motorbike coaster
-must run 5 trains with a maximum of 3 trains smoothly
-you must create your own terrain using terrain generator
*must have six and only six lakes
*land flattening 5-10%
*erosion softness 5-10%
-you can change the scenery anyway you want
-there is no height limit but be careful getting to fast
-you may duel coasters
-LIM propultion systems are allowed
-have at least 3 inversions (more are allowed-and of corse you can use more degrees on inversions)
-must be continuous cercout mode
-make the coaster hug the ground as much as possible
-there is no limit on amounts of lifts
-submit to

Redline Challenge Tips-
-the crazier the track the better as long as it stays in the limits
-the hillier the terrain the better (if you go along the terrain)
-the farther apart the lakes the better

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

Post March 27th, 2005, 5:52 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
Premium Member

Posts: 2511
Points on hand: 5,372.00 Points
Ok, I say about hmmmmm, 2-3 hours before this is locked. Dude, the site dont appreciate when you just make contests out of nowhere. Send the idea to a mod or admin, they will look it over, and then decide if it is worthy of running. There is one being run right now, so I doubt it, but your ideas are appreciated! Dont be put down, just trying to help ya. BTW it helps to spell correctly (ex. vakoma, vekoma)

Post March 27th, 2005, 6:45 pm

Posts: 4533
Points on hand: 3,318.00 Points
Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

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