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Thorpe Park

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post October 30th, 2003, 6:29 am
gouldy User avatar
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HELLO! i went to thorpe park yestarday. what can i say, it was amazing because yet again i chose to go at the right time!, everybody is there staying at home thinking errr the weather is going to be horrible today(thats what you get if you listen to the weather guy), while i was at a practically empty thorpe park. it was good for the first 3 hours as we were queueing up for rides for about 20 minutes each. then at 3:00 we went on tidal wave, hmmmm, that was mental, water drops on you for about 3 seconds after the initial splash! so we spent the rest of the day, completely soaked. then we carried on going on the rides. a couple where we wasted our time queueing for them, even though it was only like 5 minutes for them. Until at 9:00 it started to rain, of course nemesis inferno is probably the most extreme ride in the rain, rain adds about 5,6 mph on to this ride making the g's even worse, cool! then the park was supposed to close at 11:00 but at 11 we were on nemesis inferno, and the guy running the ride says do you want to go round again, by this time we were the last people in the park, everyone screamed yes! we went round again, this time it seemed even better as we were the only ones there, but we were making as much noise as was being made across the entire park all day. In the last 30 mins of being there, we went on nemesis inferno 6 times, hmmmm cool! Inversion count- Nemesis inferno(11 times)= 44 inversions, Colossus(4 times)=40 inversions......=84 inversions.[:D][xx(]

All in all, a very good day!!!!, although, i would advise not going there unless you have vouchers or live within a 50 mile radius of the park. I had half price vouchers, so it was ?????????13 entry, but, living in wolverhampton and thorpe park being near london, i paid the other half by driving 3 hours there and 3 hours back when i really wanted to go to sleep![|)], if you would like to know more because you are going in the near future then ask me![:D]
Last edited by gouldy on October 30th, 2003, 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post October 30th, 2003, 6:34 am

Posts: 167
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Sounds awesome. I love theme parks when they are practically empty because you can pretty much go on any ride as many times as you want. I thought parks closed coasters if it rained or was it only sprinkling?? I just hope you dont have a headache from all those inversion [;)]

Post October 30th, 2003, 6:40 am
gouldy User avatar
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Well colossus was closed when it rained, but nemesis inferno just had a warning saying that the ride may now be uncomfortable, hmmmm wahay! and mate i feel so sick its unbelievable, i'm well past a headache. I was sick a couple times last night. and i also found that if you let your whole body go limp all the way around the ride, it hurt even more![:D] you have to do it on the next inverted ride that you go on, but be careful to always keep your head foward when doing this because if you put your head back, where there may be high g's you could snap your neck, my neck made some cracking noises at some points when i did it with my head back, and let me tell you that really hurt!

Post October 30th, 2003, 6:43 am

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Location: Sydney, Australia

Under the warning sign did it have in small print "dont sue us if your dumb enough to ride this coaster in the wet" lol. If you let your body go limp on an inverted wouldnt you get a tonne of headbanging???

Post October 30th, 2003, 7:59 am
gouldy User avatar
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Yes there was a mental amount of that!!!! At the bottom of the loop, pulling into it and out of it, my head was pushed so far down that my forehead touched my knees. Once my head was down there, i couldn't get it back up again, until the first of the interlocking corkscrews. Its also funny to go limp, because your arms fly around and hit the people sitting next to you![:D]

Post October 30th, 2003, 8:01 am

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Location: Sydney, Australia

hahah I bet the person sitting next to you wasnt very happy with hand marks to the face lol.

Post October 30th, 2003, 8:53 am

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WOW. thorpe park ruled yesterday. except tidal wave. good idea. wrong day. sooooo cold. but inferno. wooo hoo that was class. especially the bit before the chain lift. and colossus was just amazing. except queing in the rain for 30 mins. gettin to the front and oh no. rides closed. but all in all. those 84 inversions hurt in the mornin. (yes, i went with gouldy). his idea of going limp was a very good idea. shoulders didnt think so. but brain did.

Post October 30th, 2003, 9:07 am
gouldy User avatar
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alright shane! This is true it was a very cold day, and after riding tidal wave we were also very VERY wet! making the cold seem 100 times worse. but it was worth it in the end, because we got to stay on nemesis inferno even after the ride was closed. and i agree colossus was amazing, it is probabaly one of the best rides in england![:D] Oh yeah and that is a good point, we did have to queue at one point for colossus, for 30 mins because it was raining and aparently colossus doesn't like the rain. So we had to wait for it to re-open. which it did, but just when we were the next people to go on it, they said that it was now closed for the rest of the day, which sucked, but they gave us a thing that meant that we could just go up the exit of the ride that we went on next, and go straight on to the ride!!![:D]

Post October 30th, 2003, 9:12 am

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yes. i agree with colossus being one of the best in england. except the time that bloke made SURE we were strapped in properly. that wasnt pleasent. especially around the barrel rolls. it was worth our entrance fee i think. im not sure ?????????25 is something i would want to pay next time when alton towers is closer for the same amount. yeah true we did get that ticket thing. but X no escape thing really wasnt worth a 30 minute que in the rain just to get a ticket in the end. one for inferno would of been nice. never gonna happen though

Post October 31st, 2003, 6:34 am

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Location: United Kingdom

Colossus Can't Run in heavy rain because it goes to fast and peeps can get whiplash in the Corks if ride goes too fast

(and on-ride photo only works at 34 MPH, read topic below for explanation)

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