Originally posted by Onjin
Terminator is very forceful. Turn out of the station to the lift is high on the lats. Doesn't feel like the seats are padded, I'm just glad that they are. My guess for laterals would be +/-1.0 to 1.5. Has plenty of airtime too.
7 rides in one day on Terminator, from front to back and middle seats. Back seat kicks ass as most wood coasters do. Oh and if you have bad gas from the horrible food, good luck keeping it in on Terminator. [xx(]
hmm maybe it's loosened up a little, i rode it not long after it opened, and was somewhat dissapointed, it may have been the tepidness of the layout,( looks much much more exciting than it actually is) or the seating , or both, but all i could think of was while it was fastish and smooth, is that it was kind of a "safety woody'. it had forces, and i think it was an ok ride, but it was certainly "no ghostrider"
i also feel like if you need special effects on a wooden coaster, it's because you are trying to make up for what it lacks.
i particularly disliked the tunnel on that far turn , AND HATED the sound thing. i laughed my ass off at the "exploding truck". i'm certainly not going to say that all gcis are like this,because i havent ridden others but judging by where the praise regarding them comes from and what sort of praise they recieve( with the exception of yours) i'm not exactly going to go out of my way for their rides.