A small time park is looking for a new coaster. Unfortunately, there tight on money and can???t afford to waste any space. Your job is to design the best spinning roller coaster you can.
-Must be a minimum of 1800 feet long
-Must be no more that 80 feet tall
-Must reach a speed of at least 35 mph or higher
-Must have at least one unique element
-Must be able to run 3 or more trains
-Must use any of the three available spinning track styles
-Must pass clearance and E-Stop tests
-Must not go underground.
-All track, and supports must stay within boundaries. This means you may not have a support half on/half off the boundaries. (Custom Scenery may go outside of boundaries).
-No inversions allowed. An inversion is any more than a 155 degree bank.
-Groups are allowed but only two people per group.
-Custom Content is allowed: Custom scenery, Custom Skyboxes, Colors, Terrain Alteration, Themes and Names are up the creator.
-You may only have 1 launch or 1 lift. If you have a launch you can NOT have a lift. If you have a lift you can NOT have a launch.
-Max launch speed is 50 mph. You may not go over.
-Max lift hill speed must be no less than 4 mph and no more than 7 mph.
-You are allowed to move the station to wherever you would like. This includes raising or lowering the height of it.
-Must have safe and comfortable G-Forces for the specific coaster type that you have chosen.
Conversion of Speeds
35 mph-56 km/h
4 mph- 6 km/h
7 mph- 11 km/h
50 mph- 80 km/h
*All projects must be submitted by midnight on June 5th.
You will be judged on the following:
-Use of Space
-Are the requirements met?
-Overall Impression (Trackwork, Scenery, Colors, etc.)
The winners will be announced on June 12th and will be awarded 1000 CC points for first place, 750 CC points for second and 500 points for third. If a group wins any prize, the points will be evenly distributed between them.
Download the template: https://www.dropbox.com/s/onfa8fzdq9inu ... l2pkg?dl=0
-Sign up is now closed! Thank you to all who are participating! Remember the deadline to submit your design is JUNE 5th by Midnight!
-Submissions must be uploaded to Coaster Crazy as a Package File or they will not be judged.
-Please note that some things (track length) may change so check back frequently for the Rules and Requirements.
-If you have any questions concerning rules or requirements feel free to PM me.
Contest Participants:
mrcrolly- Dropped out
CoasterGuy2000- Dropped out
Coasterkidmwm- Submitted Crazy Mouse
BoboMunkee- Disqualified
mkingy- Submitted Swirling Fire
archie.mm- Submitted Phantoms Revenge
lucasbetancor- Submitted Thoru: God of hate
TheCodeMaster-Submitted Late
CKidd- Submitted Creamsicle Swirl
Timmmvs- Submitted White Wolf
Magu78- Dropped out
plantoris- Submitted Spin Out
mijke- Disqualified
Jonny Richey- Disqualified
Dirk_Ermen- Disqualified