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Tiny Terrain Transfer Tool (Test)

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Post March 23rd, 2003, 3:54 pm

Posts: 257
Points on hand: 3,012.00 Points
Location: Austria
This is the very first sneek 'precrash' of:

Redunzelizer's Tiny Terrain Transfer Tool V.0.0.9 (Test)

The TTTT is intended for converting any NL-Terrain to an actual 3D-object.

Some things you already may do with this:
- Read NL-Terrain-files ('.nltera')
(must be exported from Track by Tia's NL-Terraformer)
- Write RAW 3D-object data (face's coordinates))
- Write WaveFront OBJ-files. (that's what you'll need!)
- Write grayscale heightmap BMP's (-10m = pure black)
- Write colored BMP's (fixed colors as in the 'TTTT')

!!! WARNINGS !!! - Some things of serious concern:
- This is version ZERO.ZERO.9 -(Test) !!! (no comment)
- This is dead slow! (a conversion a day...)
- There is no documentation (hey, for two working buttons?)
- Program will definitely crash after a few transformations!
- Program will more likely crash on very high detailed terrains!
- Program will (over-)write files without confirmation!

- A high detailed Terrain of 400by400 tiles may give you up
to >>>25 MEGAbyte<<< large .RAW or .OBJ files. WATCH OUT!!!
('RAW'- and Wavefront-'OBJ'-files are plain text files.)

What else is to be noted:

You probably may reduce risk of crashing (a bit) whith 'leaving the program alone' during any calculations. Also try not to have too many other programs running.

Type of BMP written depends on 'col'/'bw'-button's settings. (these are the only working two buttons anyway so you'll see)

Files xformed from 'OriginalFileName.nltera' will be named

You may directly import the generated '.OBJ' files to 'Anim8or'. (or most other 3D programs. Working well with me...) However you must rotate this object once on X-Axis by -90 degrees (minus ninety!) to get it into the correct position. (with [Rotate]/[Custom...] in Anim8tor)

Object Origin as well as Scale should(?!) then already be fit for finaly (re-)exporting this (after revamping / cutting down) as a '.3DS' and such 'using' it within NL.

Please dare to download from:
(235kb) (If server has 'hickups' retry a bit later. Thanx.)

notice that the program has some initialization time before showing on screen (up to four seconds...)

Currently only '.nltera' files are read (more to come). BMP, RAW-object, as well as Wavefront-OBJ-files may be generated from this. (again: more to come)

Take the Wavefront-OBJ, load it into your favorite 3D-program (most will import this) and make a '3DS' out of it. Very usefull for 'enhancing' the Editor as well as building 'matched' 3DS's fitting perfectly into an existing Terrain.

To see how this may look like please take a peek at the 'NoLimits International Contest' story on my page: This is the only working model i am capable of showing you at this time. You will have to download the complete stuff (2.3MB, within the story) though to view it. [8D]

Expect growing confusion, a vast increasing number of bugs and future de-hancements already within the next few years... [:D]


P.S. As to my best knowledges any crashes only affect the program operation itself and not your system.

Limits? NoLimits!

Post March 23rd, 2003, 4:47 pm

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
I've already seen it on the file you sent me before for Silver Eagle and this really looks good. Great work (again) redun [8D]


Post March 23rd, 2003, 6:20 pm

Posts: 89
Points on hand: 2,853.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

wow sounds very cool, I will have to try this out one day. [:)]


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