I was just watching the Jonathon (christ knows how he spells his name) Ross Show, the equivalent would be something like Jay Leno I would guess, anyway, Jeremy Clarkson was on talking about Top Gear and he said some stuff that I didn't know.
Did you know that Top Gear is broadcast all over the world, countries like russia, japan etc etc, but the only country that it had to be translated for, was America ..... which I found stupendously amuzing. Jeremy Clarkson had been in the paper about that, saying how he hated America because of things like that, he said things like how he hated the fact that you aren't allowed to say anything on American TV that may offend people etc etc... and because of that, they have taken Top Gear off the TV in America, is that true? If it is, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA [:)]
Just thought I'd mention it, because I seem to remember a few of you saying that you were into Top Gear and I never knew before that they had to translate it in America. You know, translate it all from "petrol" to "gas" and things like that.