gouldy wrote:
Projektion wrote:
^I've tried to find a way to contact him, but since his Daughter/Son was born (I can't remember if it was a boy or a girl), he hasn't been on here or NLE, though, I can't complain, he does have a new child to look after. His most recent activity/login was on NLE back in November.
I can ask him on Facebook if he'll take a look at the thread, if you like?
P.S. it was a girl

That would be awesome.
titanrocks01 wrote:
You have a lot better attention span for details than I ever will probably. And because of that high attention span, this is looking amazing and very on point with even the smallest of details. Can't wait to see more updates on this and hopefully a release
Nope, I'm usually the same when it comes to my attention span on a project, it's just the fact that this is a recreation gives me something to aim for when building/importing. With original coasters, they lose my attention mostly because I don't have a clear image of how I want the finished version to look, so I kind of get stuck in this limbo on the scenery and just lose motivation.
Coaster Hero wrote:
I wish I could have that catch car. Will you be releasing the script for it? Also, you are really taking Real's recreation to the next level. Fantastic job and amazing attention to detail!
Thanks. At the moment, the script for the catch car is incorporated into the main block script for the coaster. I'm not sure if I'll be able to release it on it's own, it depends on if I'm able to standardize the script and make it standalone instead of being part of the coaster script.
I'm currently changing the surrounding area to be more similar to the real version

Aside for bringing everything over to NL2, I'm also retexturing some things (as can be seen with the ground in the last pic) and remodelling so other things, such as the grandstand/snack bar building