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[NL] TR from Venus (Orbital)

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Post November 2nd, 2003, 4:31 pm
Kev True Addicts
True Addicts

Posts: 1006
Points on hand: 3,347.00 Points
Location: Oklahoma, USA
So anyways, my good friend Pym and I decided to take a trip to Venus to see if we could pick up some wild women. We hopped aboard our spaceship and headed off into the sky. Once we got there, we established orbit around the planet. That's when everything went wrong. Our sensors indicated that there were many women to be had on Venus, but sadly, they were all ugly as hell. So ugly, in fact, that it frightened us something terrible. We quickly steered away from the planet, but lost control of our spaceship. We ended up crash landing on a nearby moon. Don't worry though, we are okay.

We took a few pictures of our ill-fated trip, and they can be found here: ... cfm?mid=18 We hope to have our 'home video' posted tomorrow. [:D]


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