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Track Exchange Rating Update 9/16/15- INPUT REQUIRED!

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TTD03 User avatar
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As of September 2015, we have modified the rating system a bit. The current system will stay in place, but in addition to that, we are offering a new way to rate. The current numbers system doesn't add up to this new way, but we trust that the users will be able to set the numbers in a way that they will be able to award numbers to the uploader that they think the uploader deserves!

Anyway here's how the secondary rating system works. It needs to be 3-4 sentences long and include the following...
  • Something you like or don't like
  • A comment giving advice or ideas
  • An additional comment about the track or creator

And that's it! This new way and the old way will be accepted for rates with numbers and as said before, do your best with averaging the numbers so that you can give the uploader the rating you think they deserve! Happy rating!

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I really hope this system isn't abused. It's nice that now there's a shorter way to rate so hopefully that will increase the amount of rates (hopefully good ones)
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Blase Rhine User avatar

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Coaster Hero wrote:
I really hope this system isn't abused. It's nice that now there's a shorter way to rate so hopefully that will increase the amount of rates (hopefully good ones)

Hopefully it wont be abused, We are going to monitor rates very carefully and keep our eye out for "bad rates". Also if you happen to come across one, be sure to report it and we will take a look at it.

Thank you!

-Blase Rhine
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Dear Coaster Hero

Indeed as Blase Rhine said the report function is very useful for us moderators.


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That's great. Again, this will really help increase the amount of rates on the site, which is pretty urgent right now :D
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One little request? can we get rid of the "reminder to rate" option? I find that I'm less likely to rate something if someone sends me one of those, especially if they send it 5 minutes after I download. I know I don't rate enough to really complain, but I just find that particular option annoying.
What are these for?

TTD03 User avatar
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^ We can talk about it. But I think people actually get more rates with it, but yea, it gets annoying. Maybe set the timer to they can only send a reminder after 48 hours?

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well, its set so they can send you 1 every 365 days so you wont get another one for the same track until a year from now, if they remember to send it then :) so, come on, 1 reminder isn't bad. I'd be concerned if you got multiple reminders for the same track.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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CKidd wrote:
One little request? can we get rid of the "reminder to rate" option?

Exactly what I've felt so far. ;)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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