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Track smoothing?

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Post March 10th, 2011, 3:44 pm

Posts: 68
Points on hand: 2,253.00 Points
Hi everyone.
So ive decided to start a really big project, and I want it to be as smooth as "gaia"(or whichever other track is smooth) and was wondering which tool i should use. I mean I can sit for like hours and still not get the track as smoothas i want it to be. Thats why I really would like to know what you "pros" use to make ur tracks smooth.
Please dont answer something like, use the track smoother by pressing ctrl-G. It doesnt exactly make the track smooth, it only makes it weirdly shaped...
Thx in advance;)
Also please if u know any good track smoothing program please also add a link or something;) thx.

Post March 10th, 2011, 5:46 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Im no pro but I can tell you that pro's use newton2 or handbuild then ahg. There are also methods like HSAK or some other eformulas that you can use to help build a good track.

Post March 10th, 2011, 6:00 pm

Posts: 510
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There are multiple methods for making a smooth track. If you want to build using only No Limits, then one tip is to only use ctrl+G when you have the segments ABOUT the right shape. For example, on an airtime hill, if you have only three vertices (start, top, and end) the autosmoother will probably produce bad results. Having more segments will get you better results from the autosmoother, but you will also have to position each vertex more precisely, and should try to keep each segment about the same length. For more information, you should ask a handbuilder.

The other main method of making smooth tracks is force-based designing, which these days is almost always done in a program called Newton 2. It allows you to create a mathematically defined element for insertion in a coaster (you can build an entire track as one element) by specifying initial position, speed and friction, then building based on banking and G-forces. Newton 2 allows you to build a smooth track fairly easily, but still must be tested periodically, as it is not perfect, and does not predict lateral Gs in seats not perfectly on the heartline (I.E. all of them). Getting manufacturer-accurate shaping in Newton 2 is also fairly difficult (trust me, I know).

Newton 2 can be downloaded at

I won't tell you how to use Newton 2, since the creator has a good set of tutorials here:

Hope this helps! :-)

By the way, it seems like you're fairly new to No Limits, so I wouldn't recommend starting a big project right now. Get some practice by making a few simpler coasters, and when you do make your big project, it will be a much better quality ride.
Originally posted by dcs221
\n"they see me trollin', they hatin'..." -Omnigeek6

Chamillionaire you are not...but white and nerdy, yes.

Post March 10th, 2011, 6:10 pm

Posts: 68
Points on hand: 2,253.00 Points
I've actually been using No Limits for like 2 years but i just havent been that serious about it. I dont ever finish any of my tracks, thats kind of my failing.
But i still have skills I just need to be patient.
I have tried making tracks in Newton 2 but its not my thing.
Could somebody please tell me more about ahg and HSAK? I would really apreciate it
Also do anyone know what kind of technique Coasteraddict used when he made Gaia?

Post March 10th, 2011, 6:17 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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He said he hand built it then ahg'd Gaia. and for the hsak you can download it here. And i dont want to explain it but its pretty self explanatory(maybe not at first). And there is a tutorial on the site(here).

Post March 10th, 2011, 6:24 pm

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Post March 10th, 2011, 6:30 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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^AHG, before you ask any questions be sure to read the read me file!

Post March 10th, 2011, 7:37 pm

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If you put poop in the AHG, guess what you get back.

The AHG isn't a smoothener. It's an Automatc Heartline Generator. The only way to get a smooth track through handbuilding is practice. Practice, practice, practice, and practice some more. In about three or four years you could be building fairly decent tracks.

But don't get discouraged. Handbuilding I have found is by far the most rewarding method. You are much more proud of the track when its done than you are if it is a tooled ride.

There is a method that I use for smoothening. I call it the "Vertex deletion method". The area between vertices is always smooth, I don't care the situation. It's the vertex itself- the connection point- that makes a track rough. What I do is split up the segments around the rough vertex, delete the rough vertex, autosmoothen the newly created segment (the long one in the middle), and split it back up so you have a new, smooth vertex. Delete the vertices that were created when you did the splitting.

I highly recommend using the AHG though, AFTER you get done with the coaster. It really adds the finishing touch ;)

Post March 10th, 2011, 8:05 pm

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