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Track Tennis, Anybody?

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Post October 10th, 2008, 1:38 pm

Posts: 1613
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Hey Guys,

I told you all that I would be willing to set up a track tennis contest. For those of you who don't know what a track tennis is, a handful of people sign up and we all make one big track. It's fun to see what happens. If anybody is interested, let me know through this post.

So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.

- RIP Mitch Hedberg

Post October 10th, 2008, 2:14 pm

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Post October 10th, 2008, 5:47 pm

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Post October 10th, 2008, 7:06 pm

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I would like to try,
But i don't know how this exactly worls
PM me for msn plz, if I can join

Post October 10th, 2008, 7:35 pm

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I might, depends.

.......If theres anything close to the chuffing word "Maverick" in this track tennis, i might explode.

Post October 10th, 2008, 9:01 pm

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Originally posted by Henkmax

I would like to try,
But i don't know how this exactly worls
PM me for msn plz, if I can join

That is a past years track tennis, it will get you more aquainted with what they are.

Post October 11th, 2008, 12:50 am

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Post October 11th, 2008, 1:39 am

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I'd probably help out, but did the last one ever even get finished?

Post October 11th, 2008, 1:44 am

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Post October 11th, 2008, 5:08 am

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Post October 11th, 2008, 7:14 am
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Post October 11th, 2008, 10:09 am

Posts: 1613
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hm, well, it seems like a lot of people want to get this thing rollin. I would love to start one, but first of all, my schedule just got completely swamped. I have soccer every day now from 6 until 8, study hall from 8 until 10 (and i can't be on NL, or anyting like that at all, otherwise I get in trouble), and second, I've never actually posted a contest before. I'll see how my schedule goes, but if I can't do it, would anybody like to take over?
So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.

- RIP Mitch Hedberg

Post October 11th, 2008, 11:19 am

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Post October 11th, 2008, 11:50 am

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Need someone to manage this? Me and Jensenator will take care of it. we live close to each other and hang out all the time, so we are a good choice, we have a lot of ideas about this.

- The coaster should be an Intamin (due to there variability in track style, just makes more sense.
- Me and jensen will make the lift hill, anywhere from 180-250 feet, so theres enough speed for each participant to do some cool stuff.
- Each person will be able to pick there own colors for there section of track
- Each person can do any style of building... Hand, FVD, H:sak, or newton.
- Time limit of 2 days per turn? (suggestions please)
- A limit of 2-3 elements max ( so no one can make half the damn track by themselves)

^ any suggestions are greatly appreciated folks! If you have better idea's, post them here, or PM me or Jensenator.

Post October 11th, 2008, 11:50 am

Posts: 875
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Location: Columbus, Ohio; United States

Sounds good Mike!

Sounds good but, can we make it so the track has to be approved before we can continue, because if someone's going to hand-build, it might get sticky there.

Post October 11th, 2008, 1:52 pm

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Post October 11th, 2008, 4:06 pm

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The last one didn't get finished because...well, it sucked alot.

Post October 11th, 2008, 4:31 pm

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hehe, well this one should be alright because last time there were just too many cooks! anyone get my little joke there? Oh i'm a funny one... just kidding.

Post October 11th, 2008, 9:18 pm

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Originally posted by Lewis13

Sounds good Mike!

Sounds good but, can we make it so the track has to be approved before we can continue, because if someone's going to hand-build, it might get sticky there.

Ya, thats a good idea, it will be approved either by myself, or Erik (because he's picky when it comes to hand building, and he knows what is good and what isn't.)

Post October 12th, 2008, 12:08 am

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Nah. I wouldn't really follow it that much. Usually a Track Tennis design, with many minds trying to tug at what they want the coaster to represent, turns out pretty inconsistent and just not very solid.

Post October 12th, 2008, 12:51 am

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Too Many Cooks completely disproves that statement. That was the best track tennis I've ever been a part of. What a blast it was. And what na awesome coaster that came out.

I don't know if I'd participate again, but I think it might be a good thing if the right people played their roles in it.

Post October 12th, 2008, 1:44 am

Posts: 357
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I will help out if I have time, although couldn't the transition between two segments different people make get a bit iffy if everyone tools it? Recreating a start point in Newton isn't exactly the most easy task...

Post October 12th, 2008, 6:00 am

Posts: 1674
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^Yes, you got a point there...
If we're going to tool this, we should have a non AHG version too, so at the end, we can AHG everything together...

BTW, yer, I'd be in...

Post October 12th, 2008, 7:19 am

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Location: UK
yeah, that sounds like it should work, i think this could turn out great!

Post October 12th, 2008, 8:58 am

Posts: 1384
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Location: the wonderful world of...., Michigan, USA
ok, Well, like I said, the participants are free to use what ever method they want, but Erik or I will AHG the entire thing when its done.

BTW, before we start this whole thing and set deadlines, i still need comments on how the turns should be done, as in time limits. I also think there should be some sort of limit to the amount of people participating, maybe nominations?

Oh, and who cares if it doesn't flow well, its really really fun either way.


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