Okay, I've noticed something today on Xcelerator in Knott's. On both turns after the top hat there are several connectors, with some kind of dampers in between, to probably cushion the movement onto the supports. Here's a couple pictures to show what I mean:
Those type of connectors...
You can see the dampers in between the pieces of steel.
As you can see, It's not mounted onto every support.
A bit harder to see but it's also on the other turn underneath the top hat.
Also I don't understand that it's only mounted on a couple supports.
So my question remains: Why are these on Xcelerator and not on any other coasters (to my knowledge)? All coasters flex when a train runs over the tracks. Some a tad more than others depending on the strength of the track but that's usually compromised by the amount of supports.
So why does Xcelerator has to be the special coaster to have these type of connectors?