An Air Ambulance has been called and four guests have been seriously injured
Alton Towers hasn't confirmd these reports yet
update: Here's a video of the train coming to a rest after it collided:
here is what a news site said :
Alton Towers have just released a statement: ???There has been an incident on The Smiler this afternoon involving two carriages coming together on a low section of the track. One of the carriages was empty and the other had 16 guests in.???
???The Resort???s fully qualified First Responders were on the scene immediately to assist with the evacuation which is ongoing.???
Current speculation suggests that the empty car stalled, and the second car was not stopped in time. Others attribute the incident to human error ??? citing failsafes that should prevent such incidents
???The Resort???s fully qualified First Responders were on the scene immediately to assist with the evacuation which is ongoing.???
Current speculation suggests that the empty car stalled, and the second car was not stopped in time. Others attribute the incident to human error ??? citing failsafes that should prevent such incidents
( source : )