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Tree Top Challenge - Results!

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Post April 1st, 2005, 5:46 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom


Well after sitting here for several hours going over the tracks i finaly have the results...

Barone - Blair Witch Project

This was a solid and fun ride throughout. The relentless pacing of this coaster along with jaw dropping airtime time hills really boosted you into the high points region. The way you moulded the track around some of the hills down into the valleys in a series of hills, drops and turns was indeed very creative, along with it being quite thrilling aswell. You used a large portion of the map and i feel really got the most out of the terrian that was set out for you, which again gains you more points. However some transitions on some turns needed a little more work, noticably the corkscrew and it sure was a rough ride in the back seat. One or two custom supports here and there, but nothing really to add. However theming was quite good, with over hanging rocks and other various effects. Overall a solid coaster!

Technical - 7.2
Adrenaline - 9.5
Creativity - 8.5

Overall - 8.4

Ish - Dawn Of The Dead

Well this sure was a unique and creative track. From the angled launch through the final brake there was no real let up in speed or pace. Tight turns and that huge flat corkscrew again added to your points. The use of the terrian was good, with the track running over and around hills, and diving into troughs all added to your score. The huge helix also, served as a focale point of the ride, boosting creativity and adrenaline. The downside however is that the track need quite alot of smoothing in places. Riding from the back seat really help to show this, the train wold suddenly jerk from side to side making for a rather painful ride. The Technical score is really the only section where you lost points here, but other than that it was another high pace thriller!

Technical - 7
Adrenaline - 9
Creativity - 9

Overall - 8.3

Daan1990 - Drumpy

I kinda felt like i was waiting for something that never happened with this coaster. It kinda of felt like it was building up to something which never came. The first thing that hit my mind with this coaster was the supports...although they were all custom, they were far to thin to hold up the track, the structure would have fallen over in a 2mph wind. The coaster itself wasn't anything spectaclar, it felt as though it could have been alot faster paced throughout the ride, however some of he airtime over the hills they add to your adrenaline score. The use of terrian again let you down a bit. The main section of the ride seemed to be over and around the lake with no real adeventure into the terrain. Overall this coaster wasnt that great, but did have one or two god aspects to the ride!

Technical - 5
Adrenaline - 6
Creativity - 5

Overall - 5.6

Dirk Ermen - Forest Attack

The first half of this ride blew my socks off! After shooting off the end of the launch at god knows what speed, i really had no time to see what was coming up next. There was this frantic feel to the first section that just imediatly brang the adrenaline up to a close 10. Tight turns and huge hills taken at extreme high speeds really left my jaw on the floor. I could write several paragraphs on how insane the first half was, but after you came off the brake run, the pacing seemed to drop and the adrenaline gained was starting to go down. The high banked turns seemed to be taken at a rather slower pace without the same force there was in the first half, however the adrenaline was again picked back up in the later half of the track, with weaving track through the trees with what seemed more speed than the middle section. Custom supports also added to the score of this ride. The down side however that the track was pretty rough in places and being thrown from one side to the other at those speed, isn't going to do you a whole lot of good. The use of the terrian was good on the other hand, using the hills and troughs asgood causeway for the track to flow through, the ride hugged the ground in many places and the feeling of speed was greatly enhanced flying past the undergrowth at what was already a great speed. Other than that this ride was pretty darn good.

Technical - 7.5
Adrenaline - 9.3
Creatvity - 8.5

Overall 8.45

Hyyyper - Mistral

I'll be honest here, the ride had alot of issues. First of all you had Lims on curves, supports intersection the track on overbanked turns and you had a brake the stopped the ride half way through the course. There was also issues with the banking well...everywhere, every corner seemed to start being banked a 100m or so before the corner, not the mention the transitions and overall roughness of the track. The brake that stopped the ride half way through killed the adrenaline and the fact it lead into a rather plain couple of corners didn't help the matter. Overall you need to home your skills a bit more before you start to get into the high region of points

Technical - 2
Adrenaline - 3
Creativity - 4

Overall - 4


Holy cow! Give me a minute whilst i pick my jaw up from the floor. This ride was amazing! I was expecting some goods tracks to be made from the template but this track was simply amazing! I honestly dont know where to start. The start and pacing on this ride was a work of art in itself, it was almost perfect. The ride didnt seem to loose an ounce of speed from start to finish, and the smoothness of the ride just added so much to the ride where the other track failed. You seemed to glide through the trees and over the terrian at fantastic pace before being sweep into the air and flipped over in a few heartstopping moments, before crashing back down and taking off again. This ride may have been short, but it sure as hell was sweet. I couldnt help but find myself begging for more once i had hit the brake run. There really is no bad point to this ride, absoulty fantasic track!

Technical - 9
Adrenaline - 9.8
Creativity - 9.2

Overall - 9.3

Sir Coastalot

It wasn't a bad attempt but was by far not the best track here. The coaster certainly was short, infact it seemed to all be over in about 20 seconds. The creativity really wasn't that high at all for this ride im afraid, you didnt really do much with the track. It was basicaly just a big loop. The use of the terrain for what the track was, was good. The track flowed over and around the terrain, however the track did not explore any of the terrain, which was a feature i was looking for in tracks. The track was fairly rough and had one of two quite large bumps that need ironing out also. Overall it wasnt a bad attemp but reall wont cut the grade here.

Technical - 4
Adrenaline - 5
Creativity - 3

Overall - 4

thecool326 - AmrDiab

This was a good solid ride overall. Creativity on this ride was quite high, from the S shape drop cutting through the terrain to finale of the ride you had a good pace and speep. The track was overall quite smooth ad also quite fun to ride. Some banking in places however did feel a bit odd which may have let your technical score down a little bit, but other than that the ride was quite a fun packed adventure. I also liked the look of the lift you had on this track, it showed creativity and thinking outside of the box. Overall this was a good solid ride but seemed to lack that X/wow factor

Technical - 8
Adrenaline - 8
Creativity - 8.5

Overall - 8.1

Foreseer - Mt. Pumpalot

The old verteran is back with this mammoth duel coaster [lol] Although not as high paced as some of the other tracks, this track still packed a punch. The use of the terrain was good on this track, using the channel through the middle as a means of supports several layers of track worked well and various other interactions of track and terrain boosted your score. The dueling feature of this ride also further added to the originality, however you never really saw much of the other terrain whilst going round the circuit, apart from the inital launch and one of two other places. You also did seem to loose some speed towards the end of the ride, which could have been improved obviously by shortening the first track down. The second track however seemed to be a more appriopriate length, keeping its speed all the way to the end of the track. Overall the track sure was a ground hugging giant and sure was the largest track submitted, a good track since your 2 year absence!

Technical - 7
Adrenaline - 7
Creativity - 9

Overall - 7.7

coasteragent99 - Crazy Forest

This ride in my opinion could have been alot more. The track didnt really seem to do much throughout the course, although when it did, it was really quite good..which i why i say it could have been more. THe diving tunnels where good fun and added to the creativity of your ride and also you had some good use of the terrain in places as you glided over hills, but other than that the ride seemed a little bland. Overall a good ride, but as said, if you had added the little bit extra you could have got those higher marks

Technical - 6
Adrenaline - 6
Creativity - 6

Overall - 6

Tuhkis - Lil lightnin'

Another good woody poduced from the contest. The inital drop for this coaster seemed huge for the template it was in, and well pulled off i must say. The layout throughtout was smooth and the pacing of the track seemed to stay the same throughout the course of the ride, which is hard to do with the woodens and is also where you gain those extra points. The use of the terrain was again very good, diving in and out of the hills and falling through the valleys worked well and added the extra little something to your ride. Some parts of the ride however could have done with a little more smoothing over really to give your track that extra boost it need to raise those points and put it above the others in the competition. Other than that a good solid entry to the contest.

Technical - 7.5
Adrenaline - 8.5
Creativity - 8

Overall - 8

drgnlvr89 - Spring Run

The idea was good for this ride, but the execution im afraid wasn't. The track was full of pumps and bumps which really needed to be smoothed out if you want to acheive those high scores. The ride also lacked pace. It was very stop - start kinda ride and could have really done without all those block brakes. Also in some places the train came close to stalling, notably the immelman towards the end of the the ride, which really does not hep the adrenaline aspect at all. However there was one or two good ideas and concepts chucked in there and in some places you did use the terrain to your advantage, but overall it really wasnt anything all that special

Technical - 5
Adrenaline - 4
Creativity - 5

Overal 4.7

thatonekid - claw

The idea was to use the terrain to build a coaster, not go over the lake and use the flat parts of the terrain. As a result i really cant award you with many marks for the creativity section. The ride however was smooth, but was uneventful...big long corners seemed to miranada slowly through the grassland..which really did nothing for your adrenaline aspect also. The first couple of drops were nice but really again, it was suposed to be in the woods not over the lake, there was also an absence of handrails and sidewalks....overal it could have been better

Technical - 6
Adrenaline - 5
Creativity - 3

OVeral 4.7

Jpecool - Peril

Another awesome ride to come out of this contest. This was an overal really good track and had you taken time to finish up all the scenary i feel you could have walked the competition. The track was smooth and had a good pace throughout the entirety of the ride and you also had some good creative features in this ride, espiecaly the series of inversions i found worked well. The custom supports again added to the overall effect of the coaster and was a good addition to the ride. Other features that stuck out was the Batwing inversion which dove through the floor, i can honestly say i didnt see that come and increased you creativity score. Overall this was another good solid ride

Technical - 9
Adrenaline - 9
Creativity - 9

Overall 9

The Tree Top Challenege Champion is Coasterrickie with is breathtaking track. Followed closely by Jpecool and Dirk Erman

1) Coasterrickie - Lightwave - 9.3
2) Jpecool - Peril - 9
3) Dirk Ermen - Forrest Attack - 8.45 (uploading soon)
4) Barone - the Blair Witch Project - 8.4
5) Ish - Dawn Of The Dead - 8.3
6) Thecool326 - AmrDiab - 8.1 (not uploaded)
7) Tuhkis - Lil lightnin' - 8
8) Foreseer - Mt. Pumpalot - 7.7
9) Coasteragent99 - Crazy Forest - 6
10) Daan1990 - Drumpy - 5.6 (not uploaded)
11) drgnlvr89 - Spring Run - 4.7
12) thatonekid - claw - 4.7 (not uploaded)
13) Sir Coastalot - unnamed - 4 (not uploaded)
14) Hyyyper - [url=/track_exchange/detail.asp?tid=7040]Mistral - 4[/url]
*List with thanks to Dirk Ermrn
Thanks you all for taking part

Post April 1st, 2005, 5:55 pm

Posts: 3000
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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

Yay second, thanks man, thats good for me, and the highest ive ever come in a contest. Maybe next time i will actually work on the track more so i dont have to rush at the end. Thanks!!!!

Well done every one. Congrats

Post April 1st, 2005, 6:19 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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ahh crap, dirk beat me, maybe next time. Good job every one else[:P]

Post April 1st, 2005, 6:26 pm
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Post April 1st, 2005, 7:12 pm

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And here is what happens when you have just one judge ... opinions truly do vary. [lol]
Anyway, congrats to all for submitting rides -- good on ya!

Post April 1st, 2005, 7:49 pm

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Good going everyone.

Now to ride them all, if I can find them.

Post April 1st, 2005, 7:54 pm

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Next time, I'd better go with the inversions on the intamins, maybe have a cork fly right above a tree, I dunno.

Good job to the winners though, I really want to see your rides.

And next time, I should stop staring at the water everytime I go into the sim, lol.

Post April 1st, 2005, 8:01 pm
ish User avatar

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finally got the results...
congrats to everyone.
I'm really happy cause this is my first contest. crap that I only saw the results that late.
however will there be another contest in the next time? hope so...
I still have to upload my track. I hope i can do it today.

Post April 1st, 2005, 8:52 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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wow, third! Also Edge, you were pretty fast in the judging of the contest. At least I'm happy with my results [:)] scored 8.45 [:P]

Also congrats Coasterrickie and jpe for beating me [lol]

Originally posted by Foreseer

Good going everyone.

Now to ride them all, if I can find them.

I will mine upload soon on wws, Just adding some NL theming where i didn't had time for...

Post April 1st, 2005, 9:17 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Congrats to the winners. I would of loved to of submitted my track, to bad my graphics card was and still is beyoung f***ed up. Hopefully the next update will fix it :/. When is the next contest Edge?

Post April 1st, 2005, 9:23 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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I think the next contest is JPEcools and TJs? Am I correct or are you people no longer doing that?

Post April 1st, 2005, 9:35 pm
ish User avatar

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I read about it. well, hope they still going to do their contest.and thanks for your information...

Post April 1st, 2005, 9:55 pm

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Cool and Ish -- that was killed and will not be resurrected.

Post April 2nd, 2005, 4:47 am

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When is the next contest Edge?

The next contest will be along very soon indeed [;)]

Post April 2nd, 2005, 5:24 am

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Congrats to Coasterrickie!!

I'm happy with my track coz' it was actually just a joke and I did it in two hours [lol]

Post April 2nd, 2005, 5:37 am
Oscar User avatar
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Expect the next NL contest this week. Our annual ritual [lol]

Post April 2nd, 2005, 6:35 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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the top 14 [:D]:
1) Coasterrickie - Lightwave - 9.3
2) Jpecool - Peril - 9
3) Dirk Ermen - Forrest Attack - 8.45
4) Barone - the Blair Witch Project - 8.4
5) Ish - Dawn Of The Dead - 8.3
6) Thecool326 - AmrDiab - 8.1 (not uploaded)
7) Tuhkis - Lil lightnin' - 8
8) Foreseer - Mt. Pumpalot - 7.7
9) Coasteragent99 - Crazy Forest - 6
10) Daan1990 - [url=/track_exchange/detail.asp?tid=7120]Drumpy - 5.6[/url]
11) drgnlvr89 - [url=/track_exchange/detail.asp?tid=7063]Spring Run - 4.7[/url]
12) thatonekid - claw - 4.7 (not uploaded)
13) Sir Coastalot - unnamed - 4 (not uploaded)
14) Hyyyper - [url=/track_exchange/detail.asp?tid=7040]Mistral - 4[/url]

EDIT: Btw, weren't there 15 entry's? I'm missing coaster992001


Post April 2nd, 2005, 7:14 am

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Thanks for making a list of them Dirk. And thankyou edge for being very quick with the judging. Thats the fastest ive ever seen a contest being judged. Im about to go and ride Coasterrickies track!!!! And then i will probably be looking at everyone elses whos was uploaded.

Post April 2nd, 2005, 7:35 am
ish User avatar

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thanks for the list...
good to have all tracks at once.
i've uploaded it a few minutes ago, so maybe you can change it.

Post April 2nd, 2005, 7:46 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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ok ish, i've changed it. It wasn't a really big job making that list, It makes for everyone everything much easier [;)]

Post April 2nd, 2005, 8:46 am

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The track i received via email ran 3 trains Dirk [;)] And thanks for the list you made there [lol]

Post April 2nd, 2005, 9:02 am

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Does anyone want that I upload Lil Lightnin'. Otherwise I won't do it because I don't think that it is even worth of 8.

Post April 2nd, 2005, 9:03 am
ish User avatar

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yeah, thanks dirk...
and I would be interested in seeing your track tuhkis

Post April 2nd, 2005, 9:06 am

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Post April 2nd, 2005, 9:21 am

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